
Six things you should actually be doing at the gym to get the most out of it

Gym experts have revealed which six pieces of equipment you should use to get the most out of your workout.

After speaking to gym managers across the UK, PureGym have shared their findings in a new report.

The pros were asked to share which pieces of gym equipment they believe would help to achieve three different types of fitness goal – overall fitness, weight loss and building muscle.

So if you’re looking to improve your fitness, drop a dress size or bulk up, here’s what you should actually be doing at the gym.

Lift machines come highly recommended by the pros (stock photo)


The six best pieces of gym equipment overall

1. Lifting Platform

2. Squat Rack

3. Cable Machine

4. Dumbells

5. Climbmill/Stairmaster

6 TRX System

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Despite making the cut in the top six, the TRX system was also ranked in the top 10 least used pieces of equipment – which means it’s more likely to be free when you next hit the gym.

Lee Stewart Evans, a PureGym Manager from Glasgow explained why it’s so great.

He said: “The TRX provides a full body workout and can allow the user to target many different muscle groups.

“There are many different uses with a TRX System, and if you visit the gym when it’s busy, this is one of the lesser-used pieces of equipment, so while other people are waiting for something else, you can make sure you get in a full body workout every time.”

Now you can get the most out of your exercise (stock photo)


PureGym also shared a TRX Sytem work out plan for anyone wanting to give it a go.

They advise doing 10 squat reps, 10 row reps, 10 lying hamstring curls, 10 mountain climbers on each side and 10 side plank taps on each side.

These are to be performed back to back, before resting for one minute and repeating the whole thing four times.

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