The Walking Dead: Iron Mask Mystery Explained

So who is this mysterious character? We won’t know the answer to that until the finale finally airs later this year. But until then, we have some theories.

The most obvious possibility is that this is an original character who never appeared in The Walking Dead comics by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard. The stranger with the iron mask has no direct counterpart in the comics and may have been created specifically for the universe of the TV series. That would mean that they’re an unexpected arrival who we’ve never seen before. It’s not the first time the show has introduced characters who aren’t from the comics. See: Daryl Dixon.

But for those who think this character is actually one we’ve met before, there are at least three possibilities (and likely more). Some fans have already predicted that this character will actually end up being the show’s version of Mercer, one of the final major characters introduced in the comics. With the show headed towards what looks like the last big arc from the comic books, it’s possible that showrunner Angela Kang and the writers have decided to introduce Mercer a little sooner than expected. If you want to read more on who Mercer is and why he’s important, check out this guide to the character.

Then there are two characters who left the show but could be making their way back just in time for season 11. The first is Heath, who went missing halfway through season 7 after being attacked by walkers while on a supply run with Tara. (In reality, actor Corey Hawkins left the show to star in 24: Legacy.)

While it’s possible that he simply died, Heath had expressed his wish to leave the communities in the episode, and the fact that we never saw him die on screen could indicate he’s still out there somewhere. To add fuel to the fire, Kang suggested in 2018 that Heath might have been taken by the same people who flew Rick away on a helicopter in season 9. Could the person in the iron mask be Heath trying to make his way back to Alexandria?


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