
7 ways to help people with dyslexia in the workplace

Mentors are a huge help in the workplace in many ways (Picture: Ella Byworth for

According to the British Dyslexia Association, 10% of the UK is thought to be dyslexic.

Yet dyslexia is still wildly misunderstood.

Dyslexia is a neurological condition that affects reading and writing. It is not a learning difficulty because it has zero effect on intelligence.

How people experience it, like with anything else, can vary greatly. And, as things currently stand, it is something that you live with for life.

Although the exact cause is still a medical mystery, we know so much more about how we can help those with dyslexia.

While some with dyslexia may be slower to read or write, it has no effect on their intelligence (Pic: Ella Byworth for

Dr Daryl Brown is the headmaster at Maple Hayes Dyslexia School. Daryl is the son of Dr Neville Brown who developed a unique morphological approach to literacy learning which is used at the school.

The method uses picture icons to attach meaning to morphemes, or word segments.

Using synthetic phonics, students are taught to build up pronunciations for unfamiliar written words by translating letters into sounds and blending the sounds together.

So, when it comes to dyslexia, he knows his stuff.

Here’s Daryl’s 7 tips on how to support people with dyslexia in the workplace:


Make sure they’re aware of who to go to if they find they are struggling – but don’t leave it until there’s a problem. Break the ice with a regular meeting just to make sure everything is going OK. It doesn’t have to be formal, a few minutes chat at the right time can stop a minor difficulty escalating to a disaster. Make that chat part of the routine, the mentor should be proactive but discreet.


Each dyslexic will have come up with their own strategies. Ask them what they are – often what helps a dyslexic will also benefit others. They may also have different ways of doing things and looking at things. Take advantage of their expertise.


A picture speaks a thousand words and makes life a hell of a lot easier for dyslexics (Pic: Ella Byworth for

Use visual prompts in presentations and paperwork, like simple clipart images or colour coding to distinguish between key background information. Colour code for mandatory and advisory, much like road signs. Use the same prompts for all your presentations. Remember that complicated images and photographs will be distracting, so don’t have them on the same Powerpoint slide as the information you want to be remembered. 


Stick to the same format for paperwork/forms so it’s easy to find/enter information. Organisations often have different forms for different purposes and for different departments. 

Use larger/bold print for important information. Use the same font for the paperwork and right justify rather than full justify large amounts of text. The visual pattern of the different line lengths will help the dyslexic keep track of where they are on the page.


Don’t attempt long tasks. Have tasks broken down into stages that can be ‘ticked off’. What needs to be done by the end of the day, the end of the week, and so on.

Make sure time is set aside to complete them. This is good time management but dyslexics often also have organisational difficulties and operating a routine (like having a school timetable) with structured blocks of time will certainly help.


Too many visual distractions in the workplace can get in the way of focus and productivity (Picture: Ella Byworth for

Have a clearly defined work area with minimal distractions. Many dyslexics will struggle to maintain concentration when there is background noise or if there are visual distractions like display screens. Make sure the work area is only for that purpose and go somewhere else for a break.


Extra time will be needed to work through written material – reduce this by giving out information before the meeting, give a bullet point list with key information, identify the keywords that may be difficult – this may include people’s names and business names.


What are the signs of dyslexia?

According to the NHS, signs of dyslexia usually become apparent when a child starts school and begins to focus more on learning how to read and write. A person with dyslexia may:

  • read and write very slowly
  • confuse the order of letters in words
  • put letters the wrong way round
    (such as writing “b” instead of “d”)
  • have poor or inconsistent spelling
  • understand information when told verbally, but have difficulty with information that’s written down
  • find it hard to carry out a sequence of directions
  • struggle with planning and organisation

But people with dyslexia often have good skills in other areas, such as creative thinking and problem solving.

Maple Hayes Dyslexia School in Lichfield is rated Outstanding by Ofsted, with a glowing report on its provision for the most vulnerable in society. Daryl studied Geology at Oxford and completed his teacher training at Birmingham University. He then returned to Oxford to complete a doctorate in Geology before returning to Maple Hayes to teach. He has a Master’s degree in the Psychology of Specific Learning Difficulties and took on the role of headteacher of the school in 2001 to help his father. Alongside Dr Brown senior, he has been working on the Dictionary of Morphemes and, through their studies, the duo have already mapped out around 49,800 words formed from 3,713 morphemes.


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