
Woman makes £120,000 a year selling nude photos taken by her mum

Beth, in the orange, recruited her mum Jane to take naked pictures to sell online. (Picture: SWNS)

Beth Spiby, 22, says she’s made £120,000 in a year selling naked photos of herself, with the help of her mum, who takes the pictures.

Beth used to work summers in Magaluf and winters at the gift shop at Marks & Spencer until a colleague mentioned the money that could be made selling sexy photos online.

That sounded pretty tempting, so Beth roped in her mum Jane, 53, to help out.

Jane snaps daily photos and videos of her daughter, which Beth then sells online to her subscribers, who pay £12 a month for access to the explicit stuff.

She’s already racked up more than 1,000 followers, meaning she gets more than £10,000 a month. Sweet deal.

After getting more popular, Beth was able to hire a photographer to take her pictures as well as getting an assistant to post them, so her mum doesn’t have to spend all day directing her daughter. Jane will still be called on in an emergency, though.

Jane previously appeared on Shipwrecked (Picture: SWNS)

‘Initially it was my mum who took all the pictures – even the raunchy ones,’ says Beth.

‘It was in underwear and topless. It became more explicit the more comfortable I got.

‘When I first started she used to take them every day.

‘Whenever I need an extra photo she is happy to get the camera out and take a pic.

Now she works as a webcam model (Picture: SWNS)

‘Obviously she doesn’t do anything too explicit, because that would be crossing the line. It’s more the underwear shots with my mum.

‘My friends and family, they all love it.

‘If they need something paying for they only have to ask so nobody is negative about it.

‘They know I am in control of my job and I like doing it so nobody is negative.’

(Picture: SWNS)

Beth set up her Only Fans page back in December 2017, and claims she made £10,000 in the first three weeks – so she quit her job at M&S.

She now has all the time she needs to do shoots once a month in different outfits and take personal requests.

Her assistant posts the pictures and replies to messages for her, so Beth doesn’t have to do much apart from pose naked, use and review sex toys, and do strip teases.

Most of her thousands have been spent on clothes.

‘I think I bought the same pair of trainers in 12 colours,’ says Beth. ‘They were Adidas… They were awful to be honest.

‘I’m not one of them where I spend a lot of money on one thing, but I spend a lot of money on a lot of things. I’m constantly shopping.’

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