
Woman gives birth in mum’s Ford Ka during ‘craziest’ car journey of her life

Baby Rome’s birth was ‘unbelievable’ (Picture: Media Wales)

A mum has been left feeling ‘traumatised’ after giving birth to a baby boy in the front seat of a Ford ka, surrounded by gridlocked traffic.

Freya Flowers recently welcomed her son, Rome, during what she’s dubbed the ‘craziest’ and ‘longest’ car journey of her life.

Freya, who already has a three-year-old son named River, was screaming in agony as her frantic mum, Kim Griffiths, attempted to drive the vehicle with one hand, and deliver the baby with the other.

Freya’s waters broke in the early hours of February 14, but she’d been sent home from the hospital as she wasn’t yet in active labour.

Flashforward a few hours and that all changed, as she started feeling a ‘heavy sensation’ that grew worse and worse.

Kim began their drive back to Singleton Hospital in Swansea, but at 1:30 in the afternoon, they soon found themselves trapped in traffic, with the area totally gridlocked.

The grandmother tried everything to get fellow drivers to let them through, honking her horn and yelling, but soon realised there was no way they would make it in time.

Grandmother Kim had to drive the car and help deliver the baby (Picture: Media Wales)

And as Freya began pushing beside her, Kim had to take matters into her own hands — quite literally.

‘We got as far as the prison and she was pushing, pushing, pushing, and his head was out. So I just made sure that there was no cord around his neck with one hand, while I was driving with the other hand,’ the grandparent told the BBC. 

By the time they finally made it to the hospital, Freya had pushed her son’s shoulders out in the front seat of the Ka.

Thankfully a nurse was on hand to help with the rest, delivering 9lb 8oz baby Rome and wrapping him in a blanket, before wheeling Freya inside to get everything checked out.

Despite the stressful circumstances, both were completely fine, so mum and son were allowed to go home the very same day.

Kim was so impressed that everything worked out okay, despite the ‘crazy’ and ‘unbelievable’ situation they all faced.

‘I think I frightened quite a few motorists because I was beeping the horn so much, you can imagine — screaming and swearing at them. They must have thought “Who’s this crazy woman coming down the road?” And Freya had her clothes off trying to get this baby out in the front passenger seat of my tiny little Ford KA,’ she said.

Understandably, Freya was in shock over what happened, feeling rather ‘traumatised’ by it all, but her mum couldn’t be prouder of her, or her ‘absolutely delicious’ new grandson.

And this family aren’t the only ones who welcomed a new addition in truly dramatic fashion.

We recently heard how another mum ended up giving birth in a McDonald’s car park, and as such the tot was given a nickname inspired by the fast food chain.

Analysia Beck, 25, from Wisconsin, US, was on her way to hospital in the middle of a snowstorm, when she realised she wasn’t going to make it in time.

The urge to push became too strong and she claims she felt as if she were sitting on her baby’s head, so her husband pulled over. They ended up outside a McDonald’s, waiting for an ambulance to arrive with Analysia labouring in the back of the SUV.

Paramedics arrived just in time, with the mum-of-three telling USA Today that baby Micah was born after just three pushes.

She was concerned he looked rather blue after the delivery, especially given he was born amid a blizzard, but little McFlurry was given the all-clear once they finally made it to a hospital.

The paramedic who assisted the family in the car park reportedly suggested they call the infant ‘Baby McNugget’ – but we think the frozen dessert was a more apt choice given the circumstances.

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