
VAT is charged on toilet roll, as it is classed as 'luxury' item – but caviar is not

What a bum deal! VAT is charged on toilet roll, as it’s classed as a luxury item – whereas caviar and helicopters dodge the charge, as they’re deemed as “essentials”. However, a study has revealed that seven in 10 Brits had no idea that VAT is charged on the everyday essential bathroom item.

And the research, of 2,000 adults, revealed 87 percent feel the added cost on loo roll is unfair, given 82 percent class it as a critical purchase in a weekly shop.

As a result, 88 percent are backing the call from toilet paper producers, Who Gives A Crap, to Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, to pull the flush on the “Roll Tax”.

The firm has requested the move in a submission to the Treasury ahead of the Budget, and has written an open letter to the Chancellor – which has also been signed by the Hygiene Bank, Freedom4Girls, and Bloody Good Period.

In total, the UK spends around £26 million on toilet paper every week, with each household using 127 rolls annually. The VAT on this brings in £247million to the Exchequer, equal to just 0.05 percent of total tax receipts.

While this is pennies to the government, this has a much greater impact on UK households, and disproportionally affects the most vulnerable in our society.

Amid the cost-of-living crisis, three in five adults admit to having cut back on luxuries to be able to afford essential household purchases.

Who Gives A Crap has launched a public petition with Change.Org, to help garner public support for scrapping the tax.

Emily Kraftman, UK managing director of Who Gives A Crap, said: “We know that something as humble as the toilet roll can make a huge difference to people’s lives, especially as the cost-of-living crisis continues.

“We were baffled to find that toilet roll is taxed as a luxury, when it’s one of the most essential items in our weekly shopping carts – especially when compared to some of the more ridiculous, VAT-free items, such as caviar.

“We’re calling on the government and the Chancellor to make this small change today that will benefit every single one of us – and committing to pass 100 percent of the savings on to our customers.”


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