
Trump, UK ambassador and global diplomacy – Politics Weekly podcast

Leaked diplomatic memos by Britain’s ambassador in Washington, Sir Kim Darroch, upset Donald Trump this week, causing the notoriously thin-skinned president to fire off a barrage of angry tweets and to refuse to deal with Darroch.

In the end, the ambassador resigned – but what does the episode say about the so-called special relationship, and Brexit Britain?

Jessica Elgot is joined to discuss by Ellie Mae O’Hagan from the Guardian, Sonia Sodha from the Observer, Henry Newman from Open Europe and the former diplomat Robin Renwick, author of Not Quite a Diplomat.

Also this week: the Tory party continues to tear itself apart, as Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt went head to head in an ill-tempered TV debate, and John Major threatened to take Johnson to court.

And Labour have shifted their Brexit position at last, towards a second referendum … or have they?

Britain's Secretary of State for International Trade Liam Fox delivers a statement to media regarding the resignation of Kim Darroch from his position as British Ambassador to the United States, in central London, Britain July 10, 2019. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls

Photograph: Henry Nicholls/Reuters

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