
Tories face wipe-out by Nigel Farage's Brexit Party, shocking new poll reveals

Nigel Farage is on course to ­virtually wipe out the Tories, ­according to a sensational new poll.

Nine out of 10 Brexit Party voters choosing him on Thursday promise to also do so in a General Election – which could leave just two Conservative MPs in Parliament.

But there is some cheery news for Jeremy Corbyn , with 26% of voters saying he would make the best PM, pipping Theresa May on 25%, while Mr Farage trails in on 15%.

Our exclusive Sunday Mirror ComRes survey shows the Brexit Party on a 31% vote share in the EU election.

That puts them four points up on 10 days ago and eight points ahead of Labour on 23% – two points down.

Poll strongly suggests there’s not much cause for celebration actually, Boris

It means Mr Farage will take around 30 of the 73 UK MEP seats available.

The Tories are now in equal fourth place with the Greens, on 9%, having dropped another four points.

If that result is mirrored on Thursday, Mrs May will be down to about seven MEPs compared to the 19 who won in 2014.

Lib Dems are in line to get up to 10 MEPs with 16% of the vote. Change UK has dropped to 4% with UKIP on 2%.

But the truly astonishing finding of our poll is the 89% of Brexit Party voters who say they would pick Mr Farage in a General Election.

Farage is currently doing well according to the poll results


If his support was maintained and the Tories ended up with two MPs, he would have the second largest ­Westminster party, with 10 fewer MPs than Labour.

ComRes chairman Andrew Hawkins said: “If Nigel Farage’s ­ambition is to break the mould of British politics, he has the ingredients here to achieve that.

“A large proportion of voters want Brexit sorted and are prepared to hand the job to someone other than the PM or Labour leader.”

The Brexit Party now leads in every age group over 35 and in every social group.

But it is 10% less popular among women than men.

Labour may benefit from the annihilation of the Tories by the Brexit Party but it’s tough to call

It also has the support of around one in three voters in every English region except London, the South East and the South West.

Apart from leading the PM vote, Mr Corbyn is also considered the best leader to improve public services such as the NHS and schools.

Corbyn also did very well in terms of voters’ confidence in him to deliver on policy plans

He scores 35% compared to Mrs May’s 22%. Mr Farage trails on 15%.

Mr Corbyn also gets the vote of confidence as the man who can bring the country together after Brexit.

But Mr Farage comes top as the leader voters believe can best restore Britain’s self-confidence and negotiate with the EU.

More than six in 10 voters now feel he should be given a seat at Brexit talks with Brussels if he wins most British MEPs in the European ­Parliament election.

Corbyn has urged voters to counter the rise of the ‘far right’

He will also be bolstered by the 63% of those questioned who say MPs should accept leaving the EU with no deal if they cannot agree to Mrs May’s withdrawal plan.

In 1993, Canada’s Conservatives went from 156 MPs to just two and by 2003 the party disappeared.

  • ComRes interviewed 2,041 adults online between May 15 and 16.

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