
Theresa May given ultimatum by Tories – Fix Brexit in 19 days or quit

Tory MPs are uniting to give Theresa May JUST 19 DAYS to solve Brexit or quit.

Both Brexiteers and Remainers say they will force the PM to go on April 12 if she breaks her promise not to hold EU elections.

The EU has given her until then to decide whether the UK goes to the polls on May 23 to elect 73 British MEPs.

Nigel Evans, of the powerful Tory backbench 1922 committee, said: “Brexit has more dates than a Turkish food market.

“But opting for EU elections would be game over for the PM.”

Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London for the Peoples Vote March today

Brexiteer Nigel Evans: ““Brexit has more dates than a Turkish food market.”


Brexiteer Mr Evans will vote for the PM’s deal if by some miracle it comes before the Commons this week.

But he says she should have insisted the UK Brexits on March 29 instead of caving into the EU’s extension offer.

He added: “It’s like a boxing match. She’s been pummelled for 12 rounds and then jumps at the chance to go another four.

“If she keeps avoiding the crunch the EU won’t give her a solution to the Irish backstop to get the DUP onside.”

Tory MP Steve Double added: “We need to find a way forward and that requires new leadership.”

Tomorrow Mrs May will have Brexit taken out of her hands when Tory grandee Sir Oliver Letwin tables a Commons amendment allowing MPs to seize control.

Tory MP Steve Double: “We need to find a way forward and that requires new leadership.”


It paves the way for a set of votes on Wednesday for alternative Brexits.

Options will include a second referendum, permanent customs union, Common Market 2.0 for single market membership and Norway Plus – Labour’s proposal for a customs union AND single market alignment.

MPs could also decide to revoke Article 50 so there is no Brexit. The petition demanding just that hit more than four million signatures yesterday.

As MPs will be in charge on Wednesday, the PM cannot table her crucial third vote on her Withdrawal Bill that day.

If an alternative to Brexit gets a majority, a long delay to negotiate it is inevitable. Which means EU elections will go ahead.

Letwin: “No Deal exit would be so hideous it would be very, very wrong and mind-bogglingly complicated.”


Sir Oliver said: “If we are to produce a solution, MPs must be willing not to insist on their first preference but settle for something they can tolerate.

“But a No Deal exit would be so hideous it would be very, very wrong and mind-bogglingly complicated.

“That’s why we need an orderly process of withdrawal which has put me in the bizarre position of voting against my own side.”

No10 sources warn No Deal would lead to a General Election.

But any attempt by Brexiteers to get one by forcing a vote in Parliament on sticking to the original March 29 deadline has been kiboshed.

Strong sentiments: Peoples Vote March on March 23, 2019


Thanks to decisions taken in Brussels, international law trumps Westminster’s wishes. Sir Oliver’s plan will have Labour support.

Jeremy Corbyn said: “It’s time for Parliament to take control of the Brexit process.”

But Mr Corbyn’s deputy Tom Watson yesterday broke ranks by pledging to back Mrs May’s deal on the condition she holds a referendum.

He said in a speech to People’s Vote marchers: “Let the people take back control.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn – “Let the people take back control.”


Leaving with No Deal would cause three months of chaos, secret Cabinet Office documents reveal.

Operation Yellowhammer – to minimise the impact of No Deal – will be put in place tomorrow.

A bunker at MoD HQ in Whitehall will coordinate the deployment of 3,500 troops in case of civil unrest.

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