
The surefire – and surprisingly simple – money trick to reset your finances

Cheap is chic at last! (Credits: Getty Images)

Too broke to go out to dinner tonight? Can’t afford the latest look? Then just say it.

It sounds simple enough, but being honest about financial struggles has clearly been an issue if TikTok’s latest money trend is anything to go by.

Called loud budgeting, the social media movement is bucking the idea that we should feel embarrassed about prioritising finances over fun or friends.

As previously reported in Metro, it all kicked off on the app after comedian Lukas Battle told followers that they shouldn’t be ashamed of being frugal. ‘It’s not, “I don’t have enough,” it’s
“I don’t want to spend,”’ he told his followers.

But how do you go from being too embarrassed to talk about your finances, to someone who shouts about them?

We spoke to a bunch of money experts to find out.

Find your inspiration

Loud budgeting started as a TikTok trend, but you will find budgeting influencers on all social media platforms, some of whom may have ideas that will resonate.

Some popular ‘finfluencers’ with a budgeting slant include Pennies To Pounds (@penniestopounds on TikTok), Frugal Spender (@frugal_spender on TikTok) and Ellie Austin-Williams (@thisgirltalksmoney on Instagram).

Whoever you choose to follow, though, remember that anyone can set themselves up on social media and it may not always be clear what their agenda is.

Rhodri Preece, head of research at investment professional network the CFA Institute, says some investors may be unaware when and how finfluencers are being paid to promote financial products.

It’s essential to exercise caution and critically evaluate any financial content you see,’ he says. ‘As a rule of thumb, always consider whether a finfluencer’s information is unbiased and whether it aligns with your personal circumstances.’

Manage your mindset

Get into a money mindset (Picture: Getty Images)

Becoming a loud budgeter, rather than an overspender, is about changing your attitude to money and the relationship you have with it.

‘It is really important to give people the understanding that they have power over money, not the other way around,’ says money mindset coach Lottie Saunders.

Set realistic goals

It’s far easier to be loud about budgeting if you can give a concrete example of what you’re working towards by being frugal. Setting financial goals will help you to stay on track.

Georgia Galloway, financial expert from bridging loan group Finbri, says that the ‘Smart’ approach to financial goals will bear dividends.

‘Your plans should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound,’ she says.

‘Whether it’s saving a specific amount each month, paying off a debt by a certain date or starting to build an emergency fund, breaking the goals down into small steps can make them easier to achieve.’

Find a working strategy

Keeping track of your outgoings will keep you on track (Picture: Getty Images)

Lucinda O’Brien, savings expert at, suggests a ‘365-day challenge’ where you save a different amount every day and increase it throughout the week.

For example, on Monday you save £1, Tuesday £2 and then keep rising until you reach Sunday and save £7.

‘This means you are saving £28 every week for a whole year, which is a big commitment,’ she says.

Some other savings experts suggest a percentage-based savings system, where you put a certain amount of your income into savings, discretionary spending and immediate bills.

John Pears, CEO of credit management agency Lowell, suggests a 50/30/20 system, which splits your after-tax income across three major categories. ‘50% goes to necessities, 30% to wants and 20% to savings and debt repayment,’ he says.

I did loud budgeting way before it was a TikTok trend

Ola Majekodunmi, runs website All Things Money and tells Metro: ‘My friends see me as frugal. Well, that’s the polite way to put it. I was a loud budgeter before it became a thing.

‘I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to save and
have a better future for yourself,’ she adds. ‘If you are ashamed, maybe consider who you’re around and what your circle is because if you’re facing judgment from friends about the fact that you’re saving, maybe
those aren’t the people you want to be around.’

Ola, 26, explains that speaking out about money ‘eases your financial stress and pressures, because people know where you’re at.’

The Londoner adds that she has always spoken out about budgeting, and believes it keeps her accountable. In fact, she says, everyone should be proud to talk about their savings.

‘Seeing this trend on social media might make people feel less inclined to have to spend loads of money and to use things like Buy Now, Pay Later to keep up with fast-growing trends,’ she adds.

Ola was a loud budgeter before it was a thing (Picture: Owner supplied)

Turn words into action

‘While I find sharing my goals motivating, it always needs to be followed by an action plan,’ says Beatrice Kabutakapua, at Business Storytelling.

The action you take might involve making a spreadsheet of outgoings or setting up a regular direct debit into a savings account.

Monitoring your progress regularly as you work towards your goals will help to keep you on track.

Get started

How can you get started making the loud budgeting trend work for you?

Vix Munro says it is all about setting financial boundaries and sticking to them.

Loud budgeters on TikTok are often saving for a specific goal, whether it is to build up an emergency fund, afford a holiday or provide a deposit for a property.

Visualising the goal and the amount needed to achieve it allows them to set the boundaries that they need when encouraged to spend money elsewhere, and to communicate them more easily to friends. Bank accounts and apps that help you to save towards a specific goal, as well as see where your money goes, can help you work towards your goals.

For budgeting, try the free versions of apps Emma and Snoop, which allow you to link bank accounts and credit cards – and then show you where your money is being spent.

To save towards a goal, you could try the free version of the Plum app, which tucks away money in your savings account using AI to make automatic savings.

Or stay in control by opening a savings account with a high interest rate and making payments into it towards your goal, either with a regular standing order or by putting money into it whenever you have 
any spare.

Once you know what your goal is, you will be able to articulate it when deciding whether to spend money 
on activities or not.

‘It’s about conscious and intentional spending,’ Vix says, adding that the best loud budgeters can make informed decisions on what they will and won’t spend on.

‘It’s not because you can’t afford something but because you choose not to do that thing,’ she says.

Don’t let your friends influence your decision to spend less (Picture: Getty Images)

Know your friends

One of the reasons why loud budgeting can be difficult is if you feel that there is a stigma around not having cash.

Vix says that your loud budgeting stance may even persuade others to be more careful with their money – as well as making sure you are accountable to yourself.

‘There’s often social pressure to do things that cost money,’ she says.

‘Loud budgeting holds you accountable as you’ve been upfront about your financial boundaries.

‘While this is only one aspect of talking about money, it’s a good start. It helps remove the stigma of debt.

‘Saying, “I won’t be joining you for dinner this evening as I am prioritising paying off my debt”, helps remove that stigma – it helps you align your spending with your values.’

Lukas Battle himself says it is about making more frugal choices, and ones that can be enjoyed with friends.

His plans include going grocery shopping instead of eating out, and hanging out with friends in the day instead of the evening in a bid to spend less but still enjoy his time socialising.

Avoid the pitfalls

While being loud about your finances comes with many advantages, experts warn that there are pitfalls 
to be aware of – the greatest of which is becoming too extreme with your savings.

‘Anything can become too extreme,’ says Ola.

‘If you become too much of a saver and too much of a scrimper, it can fuel financial anxiety.’

As with all things, it’s about having that really healthy balance.

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MORE : Why you should always have a secret savings account

MORE : Social media is awash with finance gurus – but, as one woman discovered, not all finfluencers are on the money


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