
The Division 2 review in progress – the first day in Washington D.C.

The Division 2 (PS4) – open for business

Ubisoft’s new open world shooter is already live for some players, as GameCentral reports in from the first few hours on the front line.

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It’s still almost a week before The Division 2 officially launches, but at this point we suspect everyone already knows exactly what to expect. Not just because of all the betas but because this is a game that makes no pretence about reinventing what has come before, but merely improving on it. Given how successful the original game has been, and how difficult other franchises have found it to retain players’ interest, that’s completely understandable. But it does mean the opening hours of the sequel are more than a little familiar…

The servers for The Division 2 were switched on Monday afternoon, as the game has a rolling launch date similar to recent EA games – where the more you pay the earlier you can start playing it. That’s not a practice we approve of, especially in a game with PvP, but it does at least allow us to get an early look at a complete version of the game. Or as complete as any online title is nowadays.

The Division 2 doesn’t suffer from any of the obvious design flaws of the recent Anthem, but the performance yesterday was not particularly impressive, with a significant amount of slowdown and graphical glitches. It actually seemed a little worse than during the open beta, and we got randomly kicked off the server a few times, but it’s still not anything too out of the ordinary.

Apart from the distasteful story set-up – which is yet another right-wing survivalist fantasy that seems to be aimed squarely at American gun nuts – The Division 2 is a rather anodyne experience at first, as the intro mission rushes you to the defence of a civilian camp under attack from marauders. The sequel is set seven months after the original game, after America has been devastated by a plague that, while it hasn’t quite reduced everything to Mad Max levels of post-apocalyptic wilderness, has certainly had an impact on council bin collections.

The rubbish-filled streets are choked with abandoned cars and fallen aircraft, with the first proper mission having you fight your way into the White House – which is being used as the local HQ. Once there the situation is explained in terms of the various groups of survivors, some of whom are friendly, and have set-up encampments that you can help build up, and some of whom are deemed ‘hyenas’ that you have to take down.

Before leaving the White House you’re introduced to the perks and abilities system, with a wide range of passive buffs to unlock as well as some nifty high tech gadgets that include bad guy-seeking grenades and what seems to be a health-giving bazooka. We opted for a drone though, which you can operate remotely or tell to target specific individuals. It has a long cooldown but it’s great fun to use so early on in the game.

The Division 2 (PS4) – keeping the peace with superior firepower

Although The Division 2 is a Destiny style open world shooter, an effort has been made to ensure the apparently 40 hour long campaign can be played on your own as much as possible. There’s an in-built matchmaking option whenever you start a new mission but it’s not mandatory and you can easily check the level of your opposition to see what chance you have.

The first full-length one involves rescuing the daughter of a nearby camp leader, who’s been kidnapped by a local gang and taken to a rundown hotel. It’s here you realise that the basic combat is little changed from the original as you (re-)learn to make use of the game’s cover system, which allows you to automatically run from one hiding spot to another by targeting where you want to go and holding down a face button.

Cover is extremely important for both you and your opponents, to the point where the game will identify certain enemies as being supressed if you bathe their position in enough gunfire. There’s no separate stealth mechanics though, which seems slightly odd given how often enemies like to stand around in the open, blissfully unaware of your presence. Although creeping up towards them, moving from cover spot to cover spot, is essentially the same thing.

The desire to unlock the endgame content is going to mean a lot of people trying to rush through the story missions as soon as possible, but there do seem to be plenty of smaller side quests and ad hoc events as well, such as a fun public event where you’re fighting waves of enemies and a boss for a reward of loot. As with most things in The Division 2 there’s nothing very new or remarkable about this but together with everything else it adds up to a game that feels like it’s bursting with content.

With Destiny now essentially under new management and Anthem’s long-term future already in doubt The Division 2 is very much the safe pair of hands in the world of open world shooters. It’s straightforward, predictable, and from what we can tell at the moment sensibly balanced. There’s nothing in it that is anyway surprising or unexpected but its competent, somewhat workmanlike, approach seems more understandable than ever in the face of its rival’s problems.

And while the initial hours might not be very inspiring there is, unlike these other games, very clear rewards to look forward to in the future. For example, a new crafting features is unlocked fairly early on and allows you to build weapons, gear, and mods – with the latter allowing you to customise all your equipment to a much higher degree than before.

There’s also the Dark Zone, which is now more accessible than the original as two of the three zones normalise everyone’s stats so that no-one has too much of an advantage. We’ve only played the Dark Zone in the beta but the PvPvE action was always one of The Division’s key selling points and the sequel clearly realises that.

The Division 2 (PS4) – in it for the long haul

The real-world setting does have several obvious problems though, because The Division is an action role-playing game and that means enemies take damage depending on the stat levels of your guns not purely on whether you get a headshot or not. But the game seems to fudge this fairly successfully and even covers bosses in huge amounts of visible armour now, to try and explain why they’re giant bullet sponges.

Making sure loot stays interesting is another issue though, with the game seemingly far too serious and dour to have anything other than slightly different coloured jackets and kneepads. Despite that there are loot boxes, filled with cosmetic-only extras, but we’ve not seen anyone walking around yet that looks like anything other than a non-descript paramilitary fighter. These were all problems in the original game though, so if you didn’t find them an issue then you’re unlikely to now.

But while there’s a lot about The Division 2 that feels disappointingly predictable it’s always been made clear that it’s the endgame which is the focus of the experience, and that’s going to take a while for us to get to. There was a glimpse of it in the preview though, where a new faction invades the game world and you’re given the option to specialise your character and choose a signature weapon – and that does all sound pretty exciting.

Ubisoft has clearly looked at the problems suffered by its rivals and successfully identified where they’re going wrong and how to counter it. Unlike Anthem, we don’t think anyone’s going to be complaining about a lack of things to do or a disappointing endgame in The Division 2. Instead the main question now is how entertaining the grind is to get there.

Formats: PlayStation 4 (reviewed), Xbox One, and PC
Price: £59.99
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Massive Entertainment, Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Annecy, Ubisoft Bucharest, Ubisoft Reflections, Ubisoft Leamington, Ubisoft Shanghai, and Ubisoft Sofia
Release Date: 15th March 2019
Age Rating: 18

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