
Tasered man whose dogs were shot by police given suspended sentence

Louie Turnbull’s dogs were shot dead by police earlier this year (Picture: @mariaalcoptia)

A man whose two dogs were shot dead by police has been given a suspended sentence for owning dangerously out of control animals.

Viral footage circulated of Metropolitan Police officers killing Louie Turnbull’s dogs beside an east London canal in May this year, which sparked outrage in the local community.

The 47-year-old pleaded guilty to owning two dangerously out of control dogs at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Friday.

He was sentenced to 14 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.

Louie Turnbull was facing a 20-year ban on owning dogs at the time of the incident (Picture: Shutterstock)

At the time of the incident on Commercial Road in Poplar, Turnbull was under a 20-year ban from owning dogs.

The court order was instated in November 2019 following a similar incident for which he also received a suspended sentence.

Turnbull broke down in tears as the court heard he had suffered from PTSD after seeing his pets, that were ‘like family’, shot dead in front of him.

Jessica Clarke, prosecuting, said Turnbull’s black and white animals attacked Denisa Shyti’s dog as she walked along the street.

She said: ‘On May 7 this year, Ms Shyti was walking down the road with her dog which was on its lead.

‘Mr Turnbull was sitting on a pavement while his two dogs were not on lead. As she approached, his dogs moved towards her dog and started attacking him.

‘Ms Shyti tried to stop the attack by getting involved, she put herself to the ground and effectively there was a scuffle on the ground, and that was between Mr Turnbull’s two dogs and Ms Shyti and her dog.

Mr Turnbull was handed a suspended sentence for owning dangerously out of control dogs (Picture: PA)

‘It’s fair to say that Mr Turnbull did try to come to her assistance and separate the scuffle as well.

‘After a few seconds his dogs did retreat. She [Ms Shyti] had a long scratch along her leg.

‘She then checked her dog, and he was found to have a similar cut on his nose that was bleeding.

‘Chunks of hair was missing and there was a long scratch that looked very similar to the scratch that she had received.’

She said officers arrived at the scene and Turnbull walked away and smashed a glass bottle on the floor.

Ms Clarke added: ‘I’m not suggesting that the dogs would have been aggressive to people rather than the animals.’

District Judge Oscar Del Fabbro acknowledged that Turnbull, who had recently been in hospital with sepsis, was facing ‘hardship’ at the time.

The shooting of Mr Turnbull’s dogs sparked outrage in the local community (Picture: Shutterstock)

Handing out his verdict, Mr Del Fabbro said: ‘He might treat [his dogs], as you [the defence] say, like children or his family.

‘But keeping dogs and animals is much more complicated because it impacts other members of society.

‘Mr Turnbull, whatever happened on that day, it came about as a result of your failings – you should not have had those dogs in the first place.’

Turnbull was originally also charged with owning two dangerous dogs that caused injury, but that was dismissed after Ms Shyti explained she was hurt while trying to save her own dog, rather than the defendant’s dogs attacking her.

As part of his sentence on Friday, Turnbull was also banned from owning and controlling dogs for four years, which will run concurrently with his existing 20-year ban.

He is due to be sentenced for another offence at Willesden Magistrates’ Court in February.

An Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) investigation is ongoing into the officers’ actions.

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