
Supermoon triad WARNING: Tonight’s Equinox Full Moon is a ‘prophetic sign of APOCALYPSE’

The Supermoon peaked in brightness early this morning around 1.42am GMT here in the UK. The Full Moon topped off an incredible trio of Supermoons, which began in January this year. Because of its rarity, some doomsday preachers and have dubbed the Supermoon an incredibly sinister portent of doom. The Supermoon coincided with yesterday’s Spring Equinox (March 20), which has not happened in 19 years and will not repeat itself until the year 2030.

Biblical conspiracists are also concerned by the Supermoon’s arrival on the night of the Jewish holiday of Purim.

Sometimes dubbed the March Worm Moon, today’s Full Moon is also called Super because it approached its nearest orbit of Earth.

All of this combined has convinced evangelical preacher Paul Begley from West Lafayette in Indiana, US, the biblical end times are unfolding before his very eyes.

The firebrand preacher said in an online sermon: “The Moon turned blood-red over New York City and the Statue of Liberty – an incredible picture taken tonight, on the night of Purim around the world.


“Matter of fact, this is some incredible information we’re getting tonight when you talk about this Supermoon, which has appeared in the Purim night sky.

“Matter of fact, the Moon is larger than any Moon normally – this is the biggest Supermoon of the year and it lands on Purim.

“It’s also the Spring Equinox. What? It’s also the third Supermoon of a triad. Are you serious?

“So you had the January Super Blood Wolf Moon, which was on the Festival of Trees, the fig tree, over Washington DC.


“We’re still in the 70th year of Israel as a nation.

“Then in February we had another Super Snow Moon and now here in March, you have a Super Worm Moon on the Spring Equinox, on Purim, over New York City it turns blood-red for some reason and are you serious?

“We’re still in the 70th year of Israel as a nation. This is a prophetic Moon tonight, there’s no doubt about that.”

The impassioned preacher said three consecutive Supermoons are a biblical sign of the end times.


Mr Begley then cited passages from the Bible, including Esther 6-7.

The passages in question describe the saving of the Jewish people from the Persian vizier Haman, who intended to kill the Jews.

Purim celebrates this event, which is detailed in the Biblical Book of Esther.

Pastor Begley said: “There are absolutely prophetic signs in the heavens.

“What did Jesus say? He said there shall be in the signs in the Sun, and in the Moon and the stars.”


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