
Should I let my ex husband ‘forget’ our daughter’s dance show?

What would you do? (Credits: Getty Images)

Co-parenting isn’t easy, especially when you feel like your ex isn’t pulling their weight with childcare or letting down your child.

One mum has asked the internet whether she should let her ex ‘forget’ their daughter’s upcoming dance show, or remind him yet again that he’s expected to show his support.

Posting on Reddit, the woman explained that she shares a nine-year-old and an 11-year-old with her ex, but he’s increasingly absent from their lives, claiming to be busy with his business

Their youngest is about to perform in a local rendition of the Nutcracker and while mum was in the front row on opening night, dad was nowhere to be seen, despite their daughter being ‘very excited’ about the show for weeks.

With only a few performances left, the mum is wondering whether she should remind her ex to show up, or expose him for his poor parenting.

‘On Monday of this week I texted her dad to remind him of the performance, provided him details of time and place, and asked if he would make it. He responded that he would “get back to me”. Since then, there has been no response,’ she said.

‘So, internet strangers, it is now Friday night and performances are tomorrow and the following day. WIBTA [would I be the a**hole] if I do not follow up with him, let him “forget,” and my daughter is let down/disappointed?’

The dad has known about the show for weeks (Credits: Getty Images)

The comments were divided, with some urging the mother to do whatever was best for her daughter while others said her ex needed to take some responsibility.

‘You’re not his mother or his personal assistant, you’re his ex. It’s not your fault if he can’t get his act together and make it to something like this. You even did the good parent thing and reminded him the week of the performances, with all the info he needed,’ one person said. ‘You’ve already done more than you are obligated to do.’

But another firmly disagreed, saying: ‘Who will be hurt by this? That’s the question you need to ask yourself. Will you be hurt if he isn’t there? Will he be hurt if he misses a performance? No. Your daughter will be hurt if he isn’t there. Remind him.’

A third pointed out this debate really rests on where the daughter ‘is at emotionally’.

‘Is she is the “desperately wants to believe in Santa” stage or is she in the “I want to know the truth” stage where she doesn’t want to hear about magic because she has been disappointed too many times?’ they asked.

‘I would do what you think is best for her. Does she need to know her Daddy is a flake now so she stops hoping or will you let her find out slowly as she starts to look at the world more carefully as she grows?’

The dos and don’ts of co-parenting

Counselling Directory member Beverley Blackman told us the dos and don’ts of co-parenting and unsurprisingly, points scoring it a major no-no.

‘However much you may dislike each other it’s important that you both hold the wellbeing of your children in mind above everything else,’ she said.

‘The divorce is between the two of you, but the children love you both and neither of you has the right to disturb or destroy those feelings and alienate the other parent.’

The therapist warned against speaking negatively about your ex-partner in front of your child, including on social media. It’s especially important to try to main a fair neutrality with teens who may ask probing questions.

‘Teens will begin to have their own views as they judge how their parents behave and though they may be inexperienced in life, they have good radars and are often very sensitive to the dynamic between their divorced parents,’ she explained.

‘If a teen wants to explore what went wrong between the two of you, stick to facts and keep it brief,’ she said. ‘It’s often enough to explain that with some adult relationships, people are better off as friends than they are as partners.’

Inevitably, there will be times when you disagree with your ex’s approach to parenting – like in the case of our mum and the ballet recital. So, how should you deal with it?

‘If you disagree with the way in which your ex is behaving, set a time to talk things through together (just the two of you: no need for new partners to intervene) – and agree at the beginning that you are going to listen to each other and not allow things to get heated,’ said Beverley.

‘If it is too difficult to talk, then reach out by email. Most people are reasonable and when two people care about their children, most will be prepared to cooperate.’

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