Samantha Bee: Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Show Is a Racist ‘Trash Heap’

Days after liberal watchdog organization Media Matters for America unearthed Tucker Carlson radio appearances criticized as misogynist, racist and homophobic, Samantha Bee blasted the Fox News host as a white supremacist — using controversial clips from his home network as evidence. “Guess what, fucko? We have been watching your show,” she said on Wednesday’s Full Frontal. “And we found that it’s a revolting trash heap of racist talking points.”

Before wading through the Fox News pile, Bee offered an audio recap of Carlson’s various radio spots with Florida DJ “Bubba the Love Sponge” — from calling women “extremely primitive” and “basic” to saying that is “a crappy place filled with a bunch of, you know, semiliterate, primitive monkeys.”

Then Bee worked her way through the Fox archives, opening with a clip from December 13th, 2018: “We have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor, they tell us,” Carlson said on his show, Tucker Carlson Tonight. “Even if it makes our own country poor and dirtier and more divided.” In September 2017, reflecting on the “lessons” we can draw from 9/11, he said, “There’s this one maybe first among them: Not all cultures are the same. Not all cultures are equal.”

In particular, Bee highlighted a segment in which Carlson spoke about immigrants forcing “Democratic replacement.” “Where have I heard sweaty white men yelling about being replaced before?” she asked, before pulling up a clip of the Charlottesville white supremacist protestors chanting, “Jews will not replace us.”

“So he’s against white supremacy but uses the catchphrase of the Charlottesville mob,” Bee said. “That’s like saying, ‘I hate the movie Borat, but you know who loves it? [in Borat voice] My wiiiiiife.” She added, “None of [the videos were] hard to find. The only in-depth research we did was to determine that his name can be rearranged to spell “Ol’ Cracker Nuts.”

Bee noted that “former KKK Grand Wizard and current plastic surgery mannequin David Duke” once described Carlson as his “favorite commentator,” adding that the founder of neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer wrote that Tucker Carlson Tonight is “basically Daily Stormer: The Show” and called Carlson “literally our greatest ally.”

In one Fox clip from September 2015, Carlson spoke out against the rallying cry of “Black Lives Matter,” saying, “When you divide people on the basis of their skin color and say, ‘This one group of people’s lives matter — everybody’s lives matter.”

“It’s so racist to say ‘Black Lives Matter,’ Bee cracked in response, “just like it was racist of Lincoln to free the sales because he didn’t free a single white person … Playing to white victimhood is his whole shtick, yet he claims he doesn’t know what he’s doing.”


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