
Salary mums would earn if it was a paid role – and it's more than bankers and pilots

It’s probably not the first role you associate with a six figure salary, but apparently being a mum could be an extremely lucrative career move…

If it was paid, that is. Which sadly it’s not.  have calculated how much a mum could net a year if it was a vocation.

At £108,837 a year, it would mean mums would out-earn some pilots, lawyers, finance managers, nurses and Google Product Managers.

Mums do it for love, of course


The platform for childcarers, parents and schools found that in the UK mums could earn roughly £12.51 an hour, which equates to £108,837 a year based on the 24-hour nature of being a parent.

This salary is more than three times higher than the UK average, which was £29,588 in 2018*.

It was based on the tasks parents do each day, such as cooking, school pick up and drop off, childcare, washing, cleaning, counselling and tutoring.

In some parts of the country you’d earn more than a lawyer or doctor

Because the salary is based on a UK average, the amount mums would be paid if it were a paid roll, will differ depending on location.

Unsurprisingly, mums in London would be paid the most with the very tidy sum of £123, 627. Mums in Stirling, Scotland could expect to take home £86,485, as it’s the cheapest part of the UK for childcare.

Richard Conway,  founder, said:

It’s probably unethical to bill your child when they turn 18

“As a parent myself, I have witnessed how hectic being a Mum can be, and with Mother’s Day just around the corner we thought it would be nice to see just how much they could be getting paid if they were a childcarer on our site!

“After we worked it all out, I wasn’t surprised to see such a high salary, as unlike any other role in the world, being a Mother is constant, you never get a holiday from it or get to leave your responsibilities at the office.

“I hope this figure puts into perspective the amazing job Mothers do!”

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