
Please stop telling me there’s ‘no good time’ to have a baby; I want support, not to be scared

If there can be a wrong time (birth during your GCSEs, birth when you’re drawing your pension) then there must be a right time (Picture: Ella Byworth for

The old saying goes that to ‘everything there is a season’.

Except, apparently, when it comes to making the single biggest decision that a person can make: having a baby.

We as women are bombarded time and time again with messages about how mothers are getting older and therefore giving birth to less biologically optimal babies, if we can manage to spawn any kind of life from our ancient arid wombs in the first place.

Similarly we grow up being told over and over again that teenage pregnancy is a life ruining car crash. You know what we don’t get? Any guidance about when we actually should be trying to get pregnant.

It feels like life as a woman goes like this: don’t get pregnant, you’re too young, don’t get pregnant, you’re too young. OH, wait, now you’re too old and you’re barren.

It’s a bit like trying to eat an avocado on the one day it’s ripe but not brown.

Given how complicated deciding to have a baby is, you’d have thought that there would be loads of dialogue dedicated to it. But no.

The moment you say the words, ‘I’m not sure when the right time is’ or, ‘I’m thinking about when we should start trying,’ someone will pop up and shout, ‘THERE IS NO GOOD TIME TO HAVE A BABY. YOU ARE NEVER REALLY READY.’

Apparently, once upon a time there was a meeting where everyone got together and agreed that there was no good time to have a baby, that women should never expect to be ready, and that was just going to have to be good enough.

I had sort of accepted this as general wisdom until I started to think about trying to get pregnant.

Pretty much every time I’ve launched into a conversation about whether or not I’m ready to become a mother, someone will interrupt by saying, ‘you’re never ready, though’ or, ‘there’s never a right time.’

I’ve been married for almost two years, I’m 28, and I’m not quite as poor as I once was. Plus I’m pretty sure my hormones are pulling for it because every time I see a newborn I want to either lick it or cry.

Whenever I’ve thought about making any other life changing decision, like taking a gap year, applying for a job, publishing a novel, getting married, moving house or getting a fringe, I’ve done the research in an attempt to work out the best method and time to achieve my goal.

I’m sorry but I refuse to believe it. If there can be a wrong time (birth during your GCSEs, birth when you’re drawing your pension) then there must be a right time. Or at least a better time.

When I spent hours on The Student Room working out what universities to apply to no-one jumped out from behind a wall yelling, ‘there is no right university, you’re never ready to go to uni.’

Similarly, when I wanted to move in with my boyfriend (now husband) there was no Greek chorus of ‘there is no right time’.

However, in this situation, there is nowhere for me to turn.

I’m sorry but I refuse to believe it. If there can be a wrong time (birth during your GCSEs, birth when you’re drawing your pension) then there must be a right time. Or at least a better time.

There are statistics, yes.

But that doesn’t actually tell you anything about what the ‘right’ time is. Perhaps if we stopped allowing ourselves to be fobbed off with the ‘there is no right time’ myth then we’d have some harder evidence about what the right time actually looks like.

What I want to know is what your life is supposed to look like before you have a child in order to give you the best possible chance of being a decent parent, and I don’t want it to just be a list of requirements that I made up on the Notes app of my iPhone.

Does it matter that I’m not a homeowner? That I don’t know baby first aid yet? That last weekend I drank a bottle of wine to myself on Friday, Saturday and Sunday?

I realise that ‘there is no right time’ is designed to dispel the idea that you’ve got to have your life in perfect order before you can start a family, but I’ve found it feels like a complete shutting down of legitimate concerns.

It’s not helpful to be told that there’s nothing you can do to prepare for motherhood and that whatever age you are it will always feel like a terrible mistake.

Deciding to start a family is terrifying enough without people coming up to you and telling you that it’s an experience that you cannot mitigate for on any level.

Perhaps what people mean when they say ‘there is no right age’ is that there is no one, singular right age. Not everyone has their life together at 30, and not everyone is a feckless mess at 15. But if that is what we mean, perhaps that’s what we should actually say.

It might be well intended, but honestly when people say ‘there is no right time’ it sounds a bit like they’re saying, ‘you’re f**ked whatever you do, lol, enjoy your bankruptcy and bleeding nips.’

Instead of saying ‘there is no right time to have a baby’, tell your friends, ‘no matter how well you plan it, having a baby is difficult.’

Rather than saying ‘you’re never ready’, wouldn’t it be more helpful to say, ‘even if you’re ready, there are challenges’.

If a woman is talking about not knowing about whether or not it’s time to have a baby, don’t shut them down by saying that there is ‘never a right time.’

She’s not asking you to pull a number out of the air, she’s asking you to listen to her work it out.

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