
Please fall in love with this black cat with different colour eyes

Isn’t she beautiful? (Picture: @milkyblvck)

We’ve fallen in love with a black cat who has one blue eye, and one yellow.

Niu Nai, whose name means ‘milk’ in Mandarin, lives with his owner Clare Zheng, in China.

Niu Nai has heterochromia, a genetic condition which means she has mismatched eyes, according to INSIDER.

The condition occurs when a specific gene prevents melanin from reaching one of the eyes during development. This means one of the eyes changes to green, yellow or brown, even though kittens are traditionally born with blue eyes.

But don’t worry – the condition doesn’t affect vision or anything, and it’s not a medical problem – it just means Niu Nai has very pretty eyes.

So pretty, in fact, that she’s become somewhat of an Instagram celebrity.

Clare set up an account for her cat back in March, and it already has over 38,000 followers. It’s filled with adorable photos of Niu Nai poking her tongue out, taking baths and dressing in cute hats.

According to Clare, all Niu Nai loves to do is ‘eat and sleep all day’. She’s not a fan of normal cat toys and just enjoys lazing around the house. Don’t we all?

Though apparently she is a little bit of a princess – as she absolutely loves all the attention she’s getting from her followers.

And of course, her followers are absolutely head over heels for her, and have been leaving lots of lovely comments to say how much Niu Nai brightens their days.

And we can see why, because she’s absolutely beautiful!

Here’s Niu Nai just chilling at home


Here she is showing off her hat


Look at those big eyes!

Isn’t she just gorgeous?

Now, where do we find out own Niu Nai?

MORE: Photo series captures the wonder of cats standing on their back legs

MORE: Why do cats love boxes?


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