
Paraguayan official sacked after signing deal with fictional country

Paraguayan agriculture ministry’s chief of staff Armando Chamorro unwittingly signed an agreement with an Indian ‘guru’ on the run from sexual assault charges (Picture: Instagram)

A high-ranking political official in Paraguay has been forced out of office for dealings with an imaginary country made up by a man on the run from sexual assault charges.

Armando Chamorro was required to resign from his post as chief of staff of Paraguay’s agriculture minister on Wednesday after signing a ‘memorandum of understanding’ with representatives of the United States of Kailasa. 

The fictional country had been presented to Mr Chamorro as a real South American island by Swami Nithyananda, a self-declared Hindu mystic on the lamb from rape and sexual assault charges in India going back to 2019. 

He told local press on Thursday: ‘They came and expressed a wish to help Paraguay. They presented several projects, we listened to them and that was that.’

Mr Chamorro added the fake representatives of Kailasa had also met with minister Carlos Gimenez. 

A website for the non-existent country describes it as the ‘revival of the ancient enlightened Hindu civilisational nation which is being revived by displaced Hindus from around the world.’

Mr Nithanyanda first claimed in 2009 to have established the ‘cosmic republic’ off the coast of Ecuador, which was promptly denied at the time by that country’s government. 

Mr Chamorro defended his actions and stated representatives of the fictitious state had offered to develop several projects in Paraguay (Picture: Instagram)

The document signed by Mr Chamorro and ultimately leading to his resignation outlined his ‘sincere wish and recommendation for the government of Paraguay to consider, explore and actively seek the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United States of Kailasa.’

It went on to ‘support the admission of the United States of Kailasa as a sovereign and independent state in various international organisations, including, among others, the United Nations.’

Speaking with reporters on Thursday, Mr Chamorro said he had not even known where Kailasa was supposed to be on a map before signing the document. 

He defended his actions by outlining how representatives of the imaginary nation had offered to develop several projects in Paraguay. 

His former department said ‘procedural errors’ had allowed the incident to take place.

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