
Only those with sharpest IQ can pick out the snowmen with red scarves in under 20 seconds

Brainteasers are a simple and effective way not only to kill time but to push one of the body’s most important organs to its limits.

They can come in many different forms, they can observational, mathematical, or analytical.

This snow-based brainteaser from Spin Genie UK is a great example of an observational brainteaser.

In the image above is row upon row of snowmen with different coloured scarves. Your task is to spot the five snowmen wearing red scarves in under 20 seconds.

Only those with the sharpest IQ will be able to spot all five under the tiny time limit.

Did you spot all of the snowmen? No worries if not, the answers are circled in yellow above. While brainteasers may seem like fun ways to kill a few moments on the train to work or on the bus home, they can help the mind in the long run.

Brainteasers act like exercise for the mind, helping to keep it healthy and stimulated and therefore sharper in the long run. What brainteasers like this one also help to do is remind people of crucial upcoming events such as Christmas Day and the possibility of snow.

In recent days there has been growing excitement about the possibility of the UK being hit by snow in the same way it was in December last year. According to the Met Office, the first snow will hit the UK in just a few hours with a few flakes falling on the highest parts of the Highlands.

Deputy Chief Meteorologist for the Met Office Dan Harris said: “There is a chance that a more active weather system arrives from the southwest, which would bring more widespread rain, stronger winds, and the potential for more significant snowfall should the air over the UK become sufficiently cold ahead of it.

“Either way, a continuation of colder than average conditions seems most likely, more details will become clear over the coming days and, as you would expect, we will be monitoring developments in the forecast closely.”


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