
Nostradamus 2019 prediction: Donald Trump ASSASSINATION, War and Hard Brexit

Michel de Nostradame is arguably the world’s most well-recognised prophet and supposed-mystic who followers claim prophesied the future with eerie accuracy. Although Nostradamus’ cryptic quatrain passages do not contain detailed timestamps and specifics, supporters believe a number of his prophecies are yet to come true. And with the new year finally in full swing, many are wondering what these 16th-century prophecies are and whether they will come true in 2019. Craig Hamilton-Parker, a British psychic and medium who runs Psychics.co.uk, has now revealed Nostradamus predicted a particularly violent year ahead for US President .

According to the psychic expert, Nostradamus warned of an assassination attempt on Mr Trump, armed conflict in the Middle East and renewed relations with his Russian counterpart between 2019 and 2020.

Mr Hamilton-Parker told Express.co.uk: “I feel Trump will have a second term but Nostradamus’s predicted an assassination attempt will be in the second term.

“Nostradamus also predicted a war in the Middle East.

“I feel that we will get the first rumbles of this in 2019 but it will not be full out war.”


Nostradamus 2019 predictions and prophecies

Nostradamus 2019: Here are the French prophet’s shocking predictions (Image: GETTY)

The psychic then said Mr Trump will work out some sort of deal or treaty with President Vladimir Putin.

This deal will supposedly mirror President Trump’s pact with North Korea, signed at the June 2018 North Korea–United States summit.

One thing Nostradamus did not predict, however, is the result or the effects of the Brexit vote.

Mr Hamilton-Parker himself foresaw a no-deal hard Brexit in the pipeline which is why he said he was surprised to see Brexit omitted from Nostradamus’s prophecies.


According to the Psychic, who claims to have predicted these events as early as September 2017, Prime Minister Theresa May will try to cling onto power until Britain leaves the European Union.

Trump will have a second term but Nostradamus’s predicted an assassination attempt

Craig Hamilton-Parker, Psychic

But a rapid leadership change in the Conservative Party will see a new face lead the Government.

The psychic said: “What is most strange about the Nostradamus predictions is that they do not appear to have any references to Brexit.

“I foresee a hard Brexit with May in power to the last minute when there will be a leadership challenge.

“There will then be a leadership challenge with David Davis and Boris Johnson as the front runners – Johnson gets the crown.


“We will also see the advent of a new party as I predicted in the Daily Express before. But could I be wrong?

“Why did the western world’s greatest visionary miss this out?

“Maybe Nostradamus did not mention this monumental event for Britain, France and Europe because it will never happen?”

Nostradamus’ detractors, however, are unconvinced by his supposed mystic powers and question whether the French apothecary could genuinely predict the future.

Nostradamus 2019: Donald Trump rally

Nostradamus 2019: Did Nostradamus predict an attack on Donald Trump’s life? (Image: GETTY)

Nostradamus 2019 prediction: War in Middle East

Nostradamus 2019: The mystic is said to have warned of a war in the Middle East (Image: GETTY)

His followers believe Nostradamus correctly predicted the Great Fire of London in 1666 and the rise of Adolf Hitler to power.

But critics claim Nostradamus’ published prophecies are too vague to be considered genuine and require a strong dose of hindsight to draw conclusions.

Brian Dunning, the author of the Skeptoid podcast, said: “Nostradamus’ writings are exploited in a number of fallacious ways.

“Ambiguous and wrong translations, ‘creative’ interpretations, hoax writings, fictional accounts, and the breaking of non-existent codes within his quatrains all contribute to a vast body of work, all of it wrong, and many times the size of everything Nostradamus ever actually wrote.”

What were Nostradamus’ correct predictions?

One of Nostradamus’ most shocking predictions is that of the death of King Henry II of France.

The French monarch died on July 10, 1559, just four years after Nostradamus prophecies his death in his 1555 magnum opus Les Propheties.

Nostradamus is also believed to have correctly predicted the Great Fire of London in 1666 when he wrote of London “burning up in the fire of ’66”.

The French mystic is also said to have foretold the 1789 French revolution when he wrote: “Songs, chants, and demands will come from the enslaved.

“Held captive by the nobility in their prisons. At a later date, brainless idiots will take these as divine utterances.”

Some conspiracists also claim Nostradamus predicted the horrors of Adolf Hitler’s reign over Europe.

Nostradamus wrote: “From the depths of the West of Europe, A young child will be born of poor people,

“He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop; His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”

Nostradamus 2019: French prophet

Nostradamus 2019: Many believe the French apothecary had mystic power of foresight (Image: GETTY)

Should you believe Nostradamus’ predictions?

Peter Lemesurier, a linguist and author of 10 books on Nostradamus, has argued Nostradamus’ quatrains were not mystic in origin.

Instead, the Nostradamus expert argued the French apothecary believed history constantly repeats itself and future vents would mirror those of the past.

In his book Nostradamus, Bibliomancer: The Man, The Myth, The Truth, he wrote: “No quatrain, as far as I am aware, has ever been used in advance to predict in terms any event that was not probably in the offing anyway.”

And according to Brian Dunning, science writer and head of the Skeptoid podcast, people who interpret messages from Nostradamus’ quatrains do the writer a great disservice.

Mr Dunning said on episode 66 of his science podcast there is no evidence to support the claim the 15th century apothecary had any mystic powers.

Instead, he said there is more evidence to suggest it takes a great deal of hindsight to connect Nostradamus’ prophecies to actual world events.

He said: “Michel de Nostredame was truly one of the brilliant lights of his day, but to subscribe to false stories and urban legends is to disrespect who the man actually was.

“Appreciate his contributions to medicine and Renaissance literature, and don’t trivialise his good works in favour of a pretended history of paranormal magical powers.”


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