
Next PM Question Time special on BBC 'unlikely to go ahead'

Fiona Bruce

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Fiona Bruce was due to present the Question Time special

A BBC Question Time special with the two Conservative leadership candidates “now looks unlikely to go ahead”.

The programme was scheduled for Tuesday, but a spokeswoman said the BBC had not been able to “reach agreement” with Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson.

It is understood one had concerns about the format – half of the audience would be Tory supporters and the other would represent alternative political views.

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt tweeted: “Can confirm I am not said candidate.”

The news comes a day after Mr Hunt and Mr Johnson faced each other for a head-to-head debate on ITV.

The pair clashed in a lively and occasionally bad-tempered debate, discussing topics including Brexit and the UK’s relationship with the US.

The BBC will still be showing two one-on-one interviews with the candidates, hosted by Andrew Neil, on BBC One this Friday at 19:00 BST.

A BBC spokeswoman said: “We’ve already hosted a leadership debate and Andrew Neil’s interviews on Friday will ensure both candidates are given forensic examination on prime-time BBC One.

“While the BBC is keen to host a Question Time special as well, we have not so far been able to reach agreement on the format and it now looks unlikely we’ll be able to go ahead with this additional programme.”


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