
New Zealand shooting: May and Corbyn pay tribute after 'horrifying' attacks

Theresa May said the twin attacks on Christchurch mosques were “horrifying” as she led British tributes to the victims.

The Prime Minister tweeted: “On behalf of the UK, my deepest condolences to the people of New Zealand after the horrifying terrorist attack in Christchurch.

“My thoughts are with all of those affected by this sickening act of violence.”

Jeremy Corbyn said: “My heart goes out to the victims of the horrific terror attack in New Zealand.

“We stand in solidarity with the Muslim community in Christchurch and around the world.

“We must defeat the bigotry which fuels such hatred and violence.”


The Labour leader laid a wreath of white roses at the New Zealand Embassy at Haymarket in London.

His handwritten message read: “In deep sadness at the tragic loss of life. In their memory let us build a world of diversity and respect.”

Flags were flown at half mast in Downing Street, at the Foreign Office and UK embassies and high commissions in the South Pacific.

Security around mosques in London was bolstered, with armed officers stationed outside some, in the wake of the atrocity.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid and Security Minister Ben Wallace held talks with police counter-terrorism leaders and security services “to discuss what further measures we can take to protect our mosques and our communities from any threat here in the United Kingdom”.

Mr Javid said hear was “absolutely heartbroken to hear about this attack on peaceful worshippers”

He went on: “We stand with New Zealand and Muslims across the world against all forms of racism and anti-Muslim hatred.

“We will not let extremists divide us.

“We will never let the terrorists win and divide our communities.

“My thoughts and prayers with the victims and families of all those affected.”

Theresa May said the attacks were “horrifying”


Mr Wallace added: “No-one should be in any doubt that our police and security services treat all threats the same and all terrorists the same no matter what communities, religion or background they come from.

“A terrorist is a terrorist and we shall deal with them exactly the same.”

Mrs May’s de factor Deputy Prime Minister, David Lidington, moved to quell fears among British Muslims.

He told the BBC: “While I don’t want at this early stage to comment on what the motivation of the criminals concerned might have been, Islamophobia is an evil.

“I know that there will be Muslim constituents of mine and Muslim British fellow-citizens throughout the country who will be worried about the reports from New Zealand and the implications for their own safety.

“All of us as a country, wherever we came from, whatever our ancestry, whatever our political loyalties may be, need to demonstrate a sense of solidarity and friendship with our British Muslim fellow-citizens.”

London Mayor Sadiq Khan said: “Heartbreaking news from New Zealand this morning where innocent people have been murdered because of their faith.


“London stands with the people of Christchurch in the face of this horrific terror attack.

“London will always celebrate the diversity that some seek to destroy.

“I want to reassure the Muslim communities in London. I have been in touch with the Met Police.

“There will be highly visible policing around mosques today, as well as armed response officers, as Londoners go to pray.”

Faith leaders joined the chorus of condemnation at the outrage.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby tweeted: “Profound sympathy for the victims and relatives of the New Zealand terrorism.

“Let all Christians pray for healing of people, interfaith relations and New Zealand itself.

“Jesus calls us to welcome strangers and love our neighbour however different.”

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said: “There can be few acts of greater evil than the massacre of peaceful people at prayer.

“The attacks in New Zealand were terrorism of the most despicable kind, callously planned and motivated by the scourge of Islamophobia.

“The victims and their families are in our hearts and our prayers.”

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New Zealand mosque killings


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