
‘New James Bond’ Aaron Taylor-Johnson is locked in battle after council shuts down work on home he shares with wife Sam

AARON Taylor-Johnson is embroiled in a planning battle over the home he shares with wife Same.

The actor, tipped of to be the new James Bond, is reportedly locked in a bitter row with the council over work on his West Country mansion.

The pair are seeking retrospective planning permission to continue with construction


The pair are seeking retrospective planning permission to continue with constructionCredit: Getty
An aerial view of the lake works, leaving behind a one-acre crater


An aerial view of the lake works, leaving behind a one-acre craterCredit: BNPS
Locals have dubbed the project an eyesore


Locals have dubbed the project an eyesoreCredit: BNPS

Aaron, 33, and wife Sam, 57, have been accused of digging a lake on their country estate without planning permission – needed for the Grade II listed property.

It was also created in a Site of Special Scientific Interest, which led the local Council to shut down building operations in February last year.

I believe this planning application should be turned down in its entirety and the lakes filled in.

Jamie WalkerFrustrated local

The Hollywood couple are now desperately seeking retrospective planning permission to continue work- as they’re now left staring at a whopping one acre hole in their back garden.

It has sparked outrage among locals in the area, who call the massive crater an “eyesore”.

They have also slammed the noise disruption and nuisance debris left behind from construction.


In their retrospective planning permission application, British actor Aaron and filmmaker Sam claimed the lake is vital to stop their country estate from flooding.

The body of water would help collect rain that usually threatens the integrity of their guesthouse and barn.

They reported their farmhouse has flooded every year since 2011.

British hunk formally offered role of James Bond and ‘will sign contract this week’ to take over from Daniel Craig

Sam Taylor-Johnson enlisted back up from a flood risk expert and a biodiversity specialist for more support.

A report submitted on their behalf by the Bath-based planning consultancy experts PlanningSphere stated: “Flooding threatens the historic fabric of the listed farmhouse.

“The owners are undertaking a project to create new wetland features to alleviate severe flooding to the house and to enhance biodiversity.

“The wetland features are partially constructed, and the remaining elements include the installation of pollution prevention measures and swales.

NEW 007

By Howell Davies and Ellie Henman

BRIT actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson is taking his martinis shaken, not stirred, after being formally offered the job as the new James Bond

Insiders said the Kick-Ass movie star is expected to accept the role as 007, taking over from Daniel Craig, who has played MI6’s most famous spy for 15 years.

Eon Productions, which makes the spy thriller films, is on course to start shooting this year.

A source said: “Bond is Aaron’s job, should he wish to accept it. The formal offer is on the table and they are waiting to hear back.

“As far as Eon is concerned, Aaron is going to sign his contract in the coming days and they can start preparing for the big announcement.”

The next Bond movie had been delayed because of last year’s Hollywood strikes.

But insiders confirmed a script was now being worked on, with production scheduled to take place at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire.

Aaron, 33, was in the running for the top job alongside actors including Oscar-winning Cillian MurphyIdris Elba, Henry Cavill and James Norton.

“The project will deliver biodiversity enhancements in an ecologically appropriate location. The long-term effects of the proposals will be to deliver locally significant biodiversity gains.”

The couple, who share two daughters together, also stated a lake will be beneficial to the local wildlife.

It is believed a decision should be reached soon, with council officials being urged to act before worsening weather later this year.


There has been a mixed response from nearby residents, with some slamming the project.

Frustrated local Jamie Walker, blasted the pair for carrying out construction without proper planning permission.

The hole has just got bigger and bigger.

Jackie InchLocal

He told The Telegraph: “I believe this planning application should be turned down in its entirety and the lakes filled in.

“The noise from the work on these lakes directly affected me.”

While Jamie admitted he would “hate” to see the farmhouse flooded, the work “should not have been carried out without seeking proper consent”.

“I don’t believe the local residents had any say in this ‘development’ until the lakes had been dug, and no concern was shown to local residents around noise issues,” he continued.


Meanwhile, fellow resident Jackie Inch, dubbed the massive hole an “eyesore”.

The disgruntled neighbour said previously: “When I open my bedroom curtains in the morning the first thing I see is that eyesore.”

She recalled her shock after the actor and his producer wife “went ahead without permission”.

“We had no idea they were going to do it,” Jackie added.

“The hole has just got bigger and bigger.”


However, there are several residents who hail the new water feature.

Local Tom Kemp said: “This project will bring desperately needed biodiversity and wildlife conservation improvements.

“I can see most of the site from my bedroom window, and wholeheartedly welcome the effect on my view.”

Meanwhile, neighbour Amy agreed the lake would have a positive impact on biodiversity in the area.

“I can see the ponds from my house and very much welcome the change to the view and monoculture,” she added.

Another resident Ty Schlechter agreed and said: “The owners have clearly taken on a great deal of responsibility and sought detailed professional advice on this matter.

“It will be wonderful to see and hear wildlife in the village and I wish to support their endeavour which can only help improve the local environment especially against localised flooding.”

What are your rights?

Planning permission guidance according to gov.uk

You will need to request planning permission if you wish to build something new, make a major change to your building or change the use of your building – for example starting a business.

To find out if you need planning permission you should contact your Local Planning Authority through your council.

If planning permission is refused you can appeal.

You are able to appeal if you were refused planning permission for reasons that you think go against the LPA’s development plan or planning policy (you can usually find these on their website).

You can also appeal if you were granted planning permission with conditions you object to – you’ll need to explain why you think they’re unnecessary, unenforceable, vague, unreasonable or irrelevant.

Another ground for appeal is if the LPA has not given you a decision on your application and 8 weeks have passed since the date they told you they’d received it (or a different deadline you agreed with them has passed).

It comes as The Sun revealed last month how Aaron Taylor-Johnson is expected to accept the role as 007, taking over from Daniel Craig.

Aaron, who is from High Wycombe, Bucks, made a name for himself starring in the Kick-Ass and Avengers movies.

He tied the knot with filmmaker Sam Taylor-Wood, 57, in June 2012, four years after they met on the set of Nowhere Boy — which she directed and he starred in.

When they started dating, Aaron was 18 and Sam was 42.

Talking about their relationship, Aaron said: “I think we’re really great at collaborating but that’s not why I fell in love with her.

“I’ve got really nothing to hide and I’m secure in what we have.”

Aaron and Fifty Shades of Grey director Sam married at private member’s club Babington House in Somerset and have two daughters, Wylda, 13, and Romy, 11.

He is also stepfather to Sam’s two daughters, Angelica, 25, and Jessie, 15, from her marriage to art dealer Jay Jopling

They are thought to spend most of their time living at their California residence.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson is expected to accept the role as the new 007


Aaron Taylor-Johnson is expected to accept the role as the new 007Credit: Getty
Some locals have hailed the country estate project


Some locals have hailed the country estate projectCredit: BNPS


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