
My friend is so self-absorbed – her company drains me

What’s to be done with a self-obsessed pal? (Picture: Getty)

Metro’s agony aunt Em Clarkson is here to solve all your problems.

This week she’s handing down sage guidance on what to do when your mother-in-law oversteps the line, a mismatched sex drive, and how to handle a self-absorbed friend.

Read on for this week’s reader conundrums and Em’s advice.

Dear Em, I’ve known one of my best friends for over 12 years and as we’ve grown up, our relationship has evolved from drunken nights out to getting coffee or going on long walks. This has opened up space for deeper conversations, but she constantly talks about herself and never asks me any questions about my life. She won’t even ask me how my weekend was or any surface-level questions – it’s all about her which makes me feel drained of energy. Even when I try and make the conversation about me she takes no interest and will turn it back to something about her and I don’t think she has any idea she’s doing it! I do have a lot of love for her, but perhaps I love the younger, more carefree memories and not our relationship now. Something needs to change, I’ve been feeling this way for a couple of years now and I am starting to feel resentful about the situation. What do I do?

People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. And sometimes, they come for all those things. There’s a very real possibility that your friendship has run its course, as happens more than we realise.

I have people in my life who knew me at my most chaotic, who I thought would be there forever, who grew up in a totally different direction, and that’s alright. Some come back, some may never. But whatever happens I will always have love for who they were at that time. What’s that they say about absence making the heart grow fonder?

Metro’s agony aunt Emily Clarkson is here to save the day (Picture: Natasha Pszenicki)

The situation you’re in right now though, trying to carry a square-shaped person into your newly cylindrical life, that is tough. A lesser spoken about and brutal part of growing up.

I think one way or another you need to find out if you can accommodate her as she and always has been, or if your evolution makes it untenable. If it is the former, then there’s nothing you really can do, beyond managing your own expectations (lowering them, basically).

Like you say, she doesn’t know what she’s doing, and it sounds like she’s being who she always was, behaving in the way she always has. So you have the choice, to accept her as she is, expecting less from her because you know that she’s giving you all she has and hope that quashes your growing resentment. But if it doesn’t, and you need a change of some kind, to pull away without an explanation feels unfair.

So, let’s find a way to tell her. If it were me, I’d write it all down, gently, explaining your own growth, and needs, and give examples of times they weren’t met. The resentment you feel is yours, at the end of the day, and it grew because you didn’t communicate with her sooner.

That doesn’t mean it’s your fault, she sounds like she’s been a poor friend for a long time, but she’s only behaved in a way that’s been sanctioned by your patience and so to avoid a tit-for-tat argument, I think the gentle approach is better.

Tell her you love her, you’ve had so much fun with her, but that you need more in your relationships right now. Give her the chance to change, you have nothing to lose. Either way, she’s a reason or a season and both can be beautiful. Good luck!

Dear Em, my mother-in-law undermines me and my husband as parents. She shouts at us in front of our five-year-old to ‘just give him what he wants’, tells him to help himself to snacks that we’ve said no to (just before dinner or gets him wild on sugar). Most recently we asked her not to wake our sleeping newborn only to get ‘I don’t care, I haven’t seen his eyes yet’ and plucked him out of his car seat. She’s a force of nature – what do I do?

Right, so your mother-in-law absolutely needs to mind her business. But unfortunately, that’s not something that mother-in-laws do very often.

Ask Em Clarkson: Your questions answered

So, I think you have a couple of options, and I suspect you’ll tell me that the first one is either terrifying, futile, or not worth the fall-out, but I’m going to suggest it anyway, and that is trying to communicate this to her. You may well have tried this already and if so, she clearly hasn’t listened, so I don’t want to labour this suggestion. But if you haven’t already I wholeheartedly suggest writing to her. Apart from anything, getting it all out on paper is ridiculously cathartic and even if it just sits in your outbox until the end of time, it might help.

I think there is also something to be said for seeing the whole situation from her perspective. Not because I think she is ‘right’, by any stretch, or because you need to show her understanding or excuse it. Just because it might help YOU to be less affected by what she has to say.

I don’t know your situation, but there are a heap of reasons why she may feel the need to do this: perhaps she feels guilt at her own failings as a parent the first time around and sees this as a chance to fix it.Perhaps she is jealous of you, or your kids, and the attention they’re receiving from your partner (I know a bit gross and toxic but it happens!). Maybe she is feeling like she doesn’t have much purpose or power in her own life, and by undermining you, it helps her feel big and in control.

I’m not saying any of these are legitimate justifications for hurting you, but perhaps if you can see it from a place of insecurity on her side, it is an easier pill to swallow on yours.

One way or another I think it’s important she knows how you feel. But equally, I think it’s important you work on controlling what you can and that’s who you are as a mother, not who you are in the eyes of your mother-in-law.

Dear Em, I have absolutely no sex drive and my partner is threatening to leave.

I want to tell you to let them go. Because you deserve a hell of a lot more than to be with a person who is threatening you with leaving if you will not have sex with them.

What they are doing does constitute domestic abuse and I want you to know that there is help available for you. The Domestic Abuse helpline is answered 24 hours a day and you will be protected and supported. Equally, you can contact Refuge via email any time, night or day. If your sex drive is something that concerns you and you would like help, your GP can talk to you about this, so can a therapist.

Want to ask Em Clarkson a question?

Em Clarkson is here to solve all your problems.

Well, sort of.

As Metro’s agony aunt the influencer, author and content creator (busy much?) is primed and ready to be a sympathetic ear, an oracle of wisdom or, quite simply, a stand-in for that girl in the nightclub bathroom you share your thoughts and dreams with while waiting in line.

While she stresses she’s no alternative for therapy, Em is keen to talk through any quandary.

With nearly 300,000 followers on Instagram and a reputation as one of the more honest influencers out there, Em is often asked for advice in her DMs. Now, she wants to do the same in Metro, as our columnist.

No topic is off limits. So if you’ve a question for her agony aunt series, email

There are a million factors that could be affecting your sex drive, from your hormones to your environment. Which sounds like a hostile one at the moment.

Please never feel guilty for not ‘giving’ your partner sex, you do not owe anyone your body and you deserve to be with a person who will love you and support you. That does not sound like this person, so I am sending you all the love in the world.

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