
Mum donates kidney to complete stranger in exchange for organ for sick daughter

A mum who gave one of her kidneys to a stranger so that someone else would do the same for her seriously ill daughter is in the running for our Supermum award.

Carri Gardener wanted to recognise her mum Susanne Blackman’s courage and kindness in saving her life.

But her mum modestly said: “Any mum would do that for their daughter. I love her to bits and I hated seeing her not well.”

Carri, a detective with the Metropolitan Police, was hit by rare and incurable kidney disease focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in 2011.

And brave Susanne offered to donate one of hers to her only daughter – but test revealed they were not an exact match.

When Carri’s body rejected a donor kidney after a January 2017 transplant, the 37-year-old turned to a national kidney sharing scheme.

In September last year mum and daughter Susanne and Carri went under the knife at St George’s Hospital in Tooting, London


It meant Susanne was able to donate her kidney to a stranger in exchange for a donor kidney suitable for Carri.

In September last year, German-born Susanne and Carri had their operations at St George’s Hospital in Tooting, London.

Carrie, from Snodland, Kent, said: “To be cut open and have a kidney removed is an amazing thing to do for someone.

“Mum never even questioned that she would do this for me and even said she wished she was in my place. She didn’t give her health a second thought – even though she’s petrified of needles.”

To thank her for her incredible gift, Carri entered Susanne in the Sunday Mirror’s Supermum 2019 competition.

Now Carri is nominating her mum for the Sunday Mirror’s Super Mum 2019 competition to thank her for saving her life


“It’s very difficult to say thank you to my mum because thank you never feels like it’s enough,” she said.

“A Mother’s Day card never says what you want it to say.”

Susanne, who has worked as an M&S store manager for 33 years, said she was touched by the nomination.

The 61-year-old, from Sutton, Surrey, said: “I’m very surprised and proud to be nominated as a supermum. It’s clearly Carri’s way of saying thank you but she doesn’t have to.

“I would have given anything to have taken her place.

“I know she wants to thank me but she doesn’t have to.”

How to nominate YOUR mum

Follow our steps below to nominate your own super mum

Has your mum gone above and beyond the call of duty? Does she deserve to be recognised for her good deeds?

Whether she’s raised money for charity, changed someone’s life or carried out a simple act of kindness, we want to know what makes your mum your special someone.

To enter your magical mother as Sunday Mirror’s Supermum 2019, send us a picture and tell us in no more than 200 words why she’s your hero.

The winner will be treated to a VIP Mother’s Day gift. Email entries to or post to SUPERMUMS Sunday Mirror, 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5AP . Don’t forget to include your own name, mobile number and email address.

Entries close on Tuesday March 19 and all entrants must be willing to be named and photographed in the paper.

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