
‘Miriam Margolyes crashed our wedding with this killer three-word warning’

Ollie McGrath and Lydia McGrath made Miriam Margolyes a special part of their wedding day (Picture: @weddingcontentcreator/TikTok)

Ollie McGrath and Lydia McGrath were a little tiddled on Christmas Day when they asked Miriam Margolyes to be involved in their April wedding.

To their shock, not long after national treasure Miriam, 82, said yes – despite her recently expressing worry for those who have Harry Potter-themed weddings, and more broadly for adults who still love the magical franchise.

The pair’s big day wasn’t Harry Potter-themed, but it was made special by the film’s very own Professor Sprout – who gave them some alarming advice, which boomed out from the speakers at their wedding reception.

‘We just absolutely love her. We’ve watched hundreds of clips with her on Graham Norton. Lydia is a big Harry Potter fan, but we’re basically big fans of her,’ explained groom Ollie in a chat with Metro.co.uk.

Miriam sent them the message via celebrity video messaging site Cameo not long after their request.

Lydia and Olly didn’t think their Christmas day whim would actually come to anything, as there’s no guarantee a celebrity will respond to a Cameo request, or agree to it.

On hearing it for the first time Lydia cried, and the pair plotted to surprise their wedding guests with Miriam’s message.

The pair asked Miriam to send a message to their wedding guests – and she actually did (Picture: @weddingcontentcreator/TikTok)
Her advice was very Miriam, but also pretty touching (Picture: tiktok.com/@weddingcontentcreator)

‘She did earlier this year tell Harry Potter fans to grow up and there was a comment about people having Harry Potter weddings,’ explained Ollie with a chuckle, adding: ‘We thought she was probably not going to accept us. But it was such a sweet message.

‘We expected it to be a bit more sweary. It was very Miriam but also quite touching,’ Ollie said.

Miriam spoke to the camera and – as gasps swept through the reception – began: ‘So guests at Ollie and Lydia’s wedding, it’s Miriam Margolyes here. I wonder what you think of this situation.

Ollie said the message from their icon made the day even more special (Picture: @weddingcontentcreator/TikTok)

‘I’ve been asked to introduce these young, brave people embarking on marriage, to you. I don’t know them and I don’t know you,’ she continued, matter-of-fact.

‘They ask about advice about marriage and I would say: don’t do it,’ Miriam said, as the room exploded into laughter at the ever-so-Miriam wisdom.

‘But they’ve done it. Here you are to prove it,’ she continued. ‘When they say they’re “big fans of mine”, which is very nice and that “they aspire to be like me, not taking life too seriously, and being very silly every day” – oh, really? Is that how I seem?

‘Well, I take life very seriously because I’m not going to have much more of it. When you’re 82, you have to take it seriously and, you know what Ollie and Lydia, so do you.’

She finished the message with: ‘Enjoy and drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.’

Their guests didn’t realise what was happening at first, but when they clocked the message was from Miriam they ‘lost it’ with Lydia’s sister crying and laughing, according to Ollie, who loved watching the whole scenario play out.

‘It was such an incredible moment. It gave everyone a lot of energy when they were just about to have food. It was just so special,’ he said.

The pair had never seen a celebrity’s Cameo video played at a wedding before, and they wanted to do something ‘completely different’.

Ollie is also a wedding content creator, which helped inspire the idea. So could the involvement of celebrities in weddings be a new, dare we say it, *wedding trend*?

‘It’s such a unique way to get a celebrity you really like involved in your wedding,’ Ollie said. ‘Why not?’

Why not indeed.

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