
Man sends woman brutal list of ‘how to improve’ three months after their first date

(Picture: Kimberley Latham-Hawkesford)

Dating in this day and age is hard.

Most people use internet dating and although you chat online, you never know what to expect when you turn up.

You might meet the love of your life or you might realise there’s just no chemistry there in real life, in which case you probably go home and don’t speak again.

Kimberley Latham-Hawkesford went on a date with a man three months ago but didn’t hear from him after their coffee together.

She didn’t think much of it until last month, when a notification with his name unexpectedly popped up on her screen.

The man got back in touch and at first apologised for the silence since their date. Totally acceptable.

But he then followed his message with a list of 15 things Kimberley needs to improve about herself, and he didn’t hold back.

The post reads: ‘Hello Kimberley, I know we went on a date quit a while ago but I’d like to explain why I haven’t messaged you.

(Picture: Kimberley Latham-Hawkesford)

‘I feel like you could have made the date much better, here’s a few reasons why. I apologize if I offend you.

‘If you lost some weight, you would look incredible. Maybe about a stone or so.

‘You are very pale. I know you aren’t a fan of the sun but a bit of fake tan won’t hurt.

‘You have quite big boobs so you should show your off cleavage [sic] more.

‘I think you need to wear clothes that suit your figure and maybe update your style slightly. Just so I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you.

‘You need to dye your hair a normal colour and add extensions. Longer hair is much more attractive.’

The man goes on to tell her she needs to look natural, while also telling her she needs hair extensions and lip fillers.

‘You need to look more natural, stop wearing makeup. Just make yourself look decent but don’t overkill it,’ he adds.

‘Your lips have gone down so you should think of getting more filler. I know you said you regretted it but filler would make you look sexier.’

(Picture: Kimberley Latham-Hawkesford)

And of course, despite telling her she needs to lose weight and that he was embarrassed to be seen with her, he advises that she needs more confidence.

He said: ‘You need so much more confidence, confidence is sexy!

The post continues: ‘The fact you take things slow makes you look like a prude. I didn’t get a kiss which messed with my ego. Be more sensitive to others feelings.

‘When we had food I know you got a salad but having full fat coke is more calories you really don’t need.

‘You need to keep your past to a minimum. I don’t care about it and what you went through.

‘Get a sense of humour, you didn’t laugh at a single one of my jokes.

‘You just seemed a bit stuck up. Sort your personality our.

‘You made me feel shit when you offered to pay. It’s like you thought I didn’t have enough money after telling you how much is in my account.

‘You didn’t compliment me once.’

But of course, he lets her know that if she sorts all these things out, he’s happy to give her another chance.

‘If you take these on board I might consider another date. I will give you a month and get back in touch to see if this made a difference. Good day to you Kimberley.’

Kimberley though, wasn’t impressed. She said: ‘Imagine being so far up your own ass you’d send this to a girl 3 months after a date.’

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