
Loose Women's Denise Welch rages at Meghan Markle 'bully' with six-word reply

has leaped to the defence of following royal biographer Angela Levin’s appearance on GB News. Meghan and were recently seen beaming at a sitting volleyball event during their tour of Nigeria. The couple looked radiant as they greeted fans and accepted gifts on their whirlwind 72-hour visit.

However, their trip has ruffled feathers among Royal commentators, notably Angela Levin, who took to GB News over the weekend to criticise Meghan’s wardrobe choices and accused Harry of being “so rude to his father” by returning to England for the Invictus Games.

Angela expressed her disbelief at the couple’s African tour, telling host Nana Akua: “It’s so phony and awful. You don’t mind what clothes people wear but if you go to a school, a very quiet school that is a religious one, you don’t go in a dress with low backing. I think that’s really disrespectful.”

Denise, in a Twitter post on Sunday night, shared a clip of Angela’s TV appearance and claimed Angela was a “bully”. She fumed: “This woman @angelalevin1 is a bully,” before ending her tweet with: “Her sole job is to berate Harry and Meghan. Any channel that employs her is allowing and encouraging bullying.”

Coming to her defence, one of Denise’s followers replied by comparing Angela to the obsessive character Martha from Baby Reindeer, labelling her as “Meghan’s very own Martha.”

Witnessing this, Denise responded with an emphatic “YES!” Her sentiments about Angela resonated with several other Twitter users, one humorously observed: “Never seen a good-looking career hater, they always look like their attitude.”

Meanwhile, another voiced appreciation for Denise’s outspokenness, asserting: “I normally never propagate this foul channel and the clowns on it but this just can’t be said enough so thanks to Denise for saying it. I pray for the downfall of all of these people and the entire channel.”(sic)

Express.co.uk has reached out to Angela Levin for comment.

In other news, Meghan and Harry made an apparent heartfelt appearance at Nigeria Unconquered, a charity based in Abuja, on Sunday.

The organisation supports sick or injured servicemembers and the couple were invited to partake in their exhibition sitting volleyball match, marking the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games.

Their invitation was extended by Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa, following his meeting with Harry last September at the Games held in Dusseldorf, Germany. This visit holds particular significance as it follows Meghan’s discovery of her Nigerian roots.

Meghan dazzled in a monochrome printed dress, while Harry cut a dapper figure in smart trousers and an Invictus Games polo shirt. The pair were seen beaming as they walked hand-in-hand, with Meghan adding a touch of glamour with sunglasses and holding onto her dress’s skirt.

Additional images revealed Meghan interacting with onlookers, even stooping to converse with children who seemed utterly enchanted by the Duchess.

A heartwarming snapshot captured Meghan, radiant as she admired a hand-drawn and painted picture gifted to her, kneeling elegantly amidst an appreciative crowd.

In another poignant moment from their tour’s second day, Meghan was seen hugging a young child who presented her with red roses. Clearly touched by the child’s gesture, the little girl looked overjoyed at the opportunity to give flowers to the Duchess.


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