Video game

Liverpool chief Peter Moore: We’re competing with video games for attention – Tribal Football

Liverpool chief Peter Moore admits they face a battle with video games for the next generation’s attention.

Moore moved to Liverpool from EA Sports and has raised the challenge football faces.

He told Reuters: “The next generation [of fans] is going to be playing Fortnite, or Apex Legends, and is he even going to get out of his bedroom? That is the challenge we face.

“The only way to meet that challenge is go and get them. I am loath to say go into the bedroom and find them, but you have to.

“You’ve got to talk to them like they are used to being spoken to.”

He added: “The ability for me to bring my experience, particularly in the last 20 years being in tech, has allowed me to bring that to bear against the needs and challenges of what traditional sports need to do to embrace this new generation.

“A lot of gamers are coming through who are expecting the gaming experience.

“They don’t actually like to sit in the living room any more or don’t actually go to the game with their dads.”


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