
Left Alive review – fascinating failure

Left Alive (PS4) – its only flaw is that it’s not very good

Square Enix revive the Front Mission series with an innovative mix of stealth and giant robot action, but it’s not a game without problems…

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There are lots of reasons a video game can end up being classified as ‘bad’. Sometimes it’s mostly technical problems, other times it’s a design or gameplay issue, and occasionally it’s simply that it’s a disappointment rather than something that’s outright terrible. The most unfortunate examples though are the noble failures, who are filled with interesting ideas but fail to make the most of them. At the end of the day they’re still bad games but you can’t help but feel sorry for them and imagine what might have been. Welcome to Left Alive.

Perhaps the most peculiar thing about Left Alive is what a bizarre relic of the past it comes across as. Back in the early Xbox 360 era Japanese companies were having a terrible time adapting to the new generation of consoles, both in terms of keeping up technically and coping with the sudden popularity of first and third person shooters. They attempted to create their own equivalents, but the end results were almost always a clunky, graphically inferior disaster. And that’s exactly what Left Alive feels like.

In many case publishers used third rate Western developers to make the games but in this case it’s Japanese developer Ilinx, who we’ve never heard of before but whose gameography seems to consist solely of licensed games and the PC port of Disgaea 2. Where Square Enix got the notion to use them from we don’t know, but if this was all their idea then at least we can say they’ve got a great sense of ambition.

Another odd thing about Left Alive is that it takes place in the Front Mission universe, a series of strategy role-playing games involving giant mechs that stretches all the way back to the SNES era, but which have only rarely been released in Europe. You’d think the sensible thing to do with the franchise is reinvent it in the manner of Fire Emblem, but with the 3DS on its last legs that boat has sailed. This isn’t the first time Square Enix has tried to make a straight action game out of the series, but despite having Armored Core director Toshifumi Nabeshima on board this isn’t the game you might now be imagining.

The game’s story begins with a war between two fictional European states in which your side is the loser. You end up playing the game as one of three different characters but start as a pilot whose mech (which are, slightly hilariously, referred to as wanzers) has been downed and is left alone in an enemy-occupied city with no supplies or weapons. The game is clearly going for a Second World War style atmosphere, as patrolling enemy soldiers coldly execute civilians and plucky survivors whisper you into dark alleyways.

Adding giant robots to that mix is a really interesting idea, as it keeps the whole mech angle grounded and helps you to appreciate their size and power when you do eventually get to have a go inside one. The only problem, as we alluded to earlier, is that the game’s completely rubbish.

The controls are hopelessly awful in a way we wouldn’t have thought possible for a modern game. Movement (and animation) is absurdly stiff and unresponsive, and the gunplay is so sloppy and imprecise, with absolutely no feedback, that we genuinely thought there was something wrong with our controller at first.

Because you’re always underequipped, compared to the enemy, there’s also a strong stealth element to the game. At which point you realise, as you desperately try to ignore the incoherent story, that one of the main influences here is Metal Gear. But the stealth is ruined not just by the controls but the x-ray vision that every enemy seems to possess and the fact that there’s no such thing as stealth kills.

Left Alive (PS4) – nice idea, shame about the game

Perhaps the most frustrating part of Left Alive is that it uses all these familiar elements in unusually imaginative ways. Desperately picking up crafting resources along the way, you’re able to create your own hand-made explosives and traps, surprising enemy patrols and trying to take down the seemingly impregnable mechs. Having to skirt round large concentrations of troops and make difficult moral decisions when interacting with fellow survivors and civilians only adds to the, sadly squandered, potential.

Not only are the controls terrible but the pacing is dreadful, with non-existent signposting that leaves you with no clue where to go even in very small areas. There’s also some massive difficultly spikes that come out of nowhere and checkpoints that will happily wipe out 20 minutes of progress if you happen to die just before reaching the next one; something that becomes even more frustrating when you fail solely because of the poor artificial intelligence during one of the many escort missions.

Graphically the game is just as outdated as the gameplay, with animation that is robotic in all the wrong ways. Which is a shame because both Metal Gear Solid character designer Yoji Shinkawa and Mobile Suit Gundam 00 mech designer Takayuki Yanase have contributed to the game, leading to some really wonderful robot designs. Occasionally getting the chance to pilot them yourself is a great way to break up the action but there’s few people that would buy a game just for that, so it all largely goes to waste.

Sometimes it can be enjoyable writing a negative review of a truly bad game, if you feeling you’re visiting righteous justice upon something that’s trying to con unwitting customers. But with Left Alive we just feel slightly guilty that there’s no way we can really recommend it to anyone. Its unusual premise and daring ambition is endearing but the end result is barely playable and constantly frustrating. It’s an A for effort but an F for the final result.

Left Alive

In Short: A game bursting with interesting ideas but dragged down by a lack of technical competence and some very outdated ideas about game design and controls.

Pros: The premise is excellent and despite the weak graphics the atmosphere can be impressively oppressive. Mixture of stealth, action, and survival gameplay has great potential.

Cons: The controls are atrocious, ruining both the combat and the stealth sections. Low-tech, unpredictable AI, horribly infrequent checkpoints, and multiple difficulty spikes.

Score: 3/10

Formats: PlayStation 4 (reviewed) and PC
Price: £49.99
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Ilinx
Release Date: 5th March 2019
Age Rating: 18

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