
Keith Flint funeral: Fans say goodbye to The Prodigy star

Fans of the late Prodigy star Keith Flint flocked to Braintree in Essex today (29 March) to pay their final respects at the late musician’s funeral. 

His bandmates had made the request that fans turn up to line the route to St Mary’s Church in Bocking and “raise the roof for Keef”. 

As crowds gathered, flags were flown and music was played through loudspeakers outside the church and a green near the village pub. 


25-year-old Maria Lelicova flew from Prague to attend the service, and said it was her “last time to have a connection, to say goodbye. I never had as strong a connection with other bands as with The Prodigy and it’s really something unique, and it’s part of my life.”

Flint’s family moved to Braintree when he was a child. He co-founded The Prodigy in 1990 with Liam Howlett and Leeroy Thornhill. In recent years he had been running The Leather Bottle pub in Pleshey, near Braintree. 

The artist, 49, was found hanged at his home near Dunmow on 4 March. 

Local schools were closed from midday to allow pupils and parents to avoid traffic caused by the funeral procession. Essex Police urged local residents to be “mindful of potential delays”. The procession will start from Courtauld Road in Braintree and continue along before turning right on Bradford Street, and left into Church Lane. It will finish at St Mary’s Church at 15.30pm, where a service will be held for Flint’s family and close friends.

The Prodigy released their latest album, No Tourists, in November, which marked their seventh consecutive number one record. 

Howlett and bandmate Maxim called Flint “a true pioneer, innovator and legend”, and said Flint was their “brother and best friend” who would be “forever missed”.

Additional reporting by PA


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