
Jennifer Garner just taught me that I should be neglecting my kids more

I wasn’t quite sure why Jennifer Garner admitted to such things on national television (Picture Michael Kovac/Getty Images for STARZ)

I have to admit, I was shocked when I saw a clip of Jennifer Garner’s interview on American breakfast show ‘Today’ this week.

Shocked and yes, I’ll say it, disappointed.

Normally, I’m in love with the 51-year-old Hollywood actor. She seems like one of the good guys, doesn’t she? 

Not only is she incredibly talented, but she was full of grace and dignity in the wake of her divorce from Ben Affleck, and is also pretty hilarious (I urge you to watch the TikTok of her emptying her handbag. Immediately.)

I’m a big fan. So when the show’s two hosts asked her about her parenting techniques, my interest was piqued.

Yes, her three children – Violet, 17, Seraphina, 14, and Samuel, 11 – are older than my two (Theo, six, and Immy, four), but I’m always intrigued by how other mums get by.

‘I don’t know that I have some overarching philosophy,’ confessed Jennifer. ‘I just think they’re such cool people and I want to hear everything, and I want to be around. But I also think it’s OK if they suffer from a little bit of benign neglect.’

I immediately bristled. 

Now, I may not have heard of the exact term benign neglect before, but surely anything with ‘neglect’ in there can’t be a good thing. It sounded like a bad idea. Not to mention the idea that it’s OK for them to ‘suffer’ at all!

To be quite frank, I wasn’t quite sure why she admitted to such things on national television!

Yet, as I researched the term more closely, I started to understand exactly what the star meant – and even realised that I was already doing some benign neglecting of my own. And that, actually, I should probably be doing more of it.

Taking on slightly more responsibility would probably do my children the world of good (Picture: Sarah Whiteley)

For any of you parents who are also new to this particular strategy, benign neglect isn’t about ignoring your child, causing them pain or suffering or making them go without.

Instead, it’s accepting that you can’t be there for them every single minute of every single day – and that that is probably a good thing.

It’s about giving them the freedom to make mistakes, to fall over or struggle occasionally – but knowing you’ll be there to pick them up, dust them off and set them on their way again (please note, this is the important part, and is what differentiates benign neglect from actual neglect).

Think about it. If parents were there for our children every single step of the way, if we followed that instinct to make life as easy as we possibly can for them, we’re hardly preparing them for the real world, are we?  

I could probably introduce some more neglecting of a benign nature into the way my husband Tom and I parent our children

Reading about the concept, my mind rushed back to the summer, when we had some friends and their children come to stay. The kids got on brilliantly – until teatime.

I’d done a buffet dinner and was just going back into the kitchen when I suddenly heard raised voices from the dining room, where the four children were meant to be helping themselves.

‘I want that plate, it’s got Minnie Mouse on it,’ our friend’s child was insisting. ‘But it’s mine,’ Immy retorted, equally firmly. ‘I use it every day.’

My first instinct was to step in and smooth the whole thing over. Stopping the argument before it properly started.  

But I hung back, deliberating the best way to tackle it. And sure enough, a few seconds later, Immy and her friend were already coming to a solution of their own. ‘Let’s share it and put all of our food on it together,’ Immy suggested, heaping on a pile of Wotsits.

Immediately, the other little girl started giggling. ‘Yeah, let’s pile it all the way to the ceiling!’ she cheered, adding a handful of mini cheddars.

I hadn’t known it at the time, but that was an example of benign neglect. Doing nothing – but for the right reasons.

Like the way I forced myself to stay silent as Theo read his school book, so he could figure out the new words on his own. I desperately wanted to cut in, give him a helpful hint – but that was hardly going to teach him to read, was it?   

As I thought about it, I realised I could probably introduce some more neglecting of a benign nature into the way my husband Tom and I parent our children.

Would it really do Theo any harm if, rather than preparing him a snack when he got home from school, I asked him to get his own from the cupboard? No. In fact, expecting him to get out his wrap as I poured him a drink would probably help him become more independent.

And rather than asking them to simply chip in to help me tidy away their toys when their friends have been over, I probably should be asking both Theo and Immy to put them back in the right box on their own.

After all, they aren’t babies, or even toddlers, any longer. And although I still see them as my little ones who I want to protect and take care of, taking on slightly more responsibility would probably do them the world of good.  

So thank you for the parenting tip, Jennifer Garner. And please forgive me for ever doubting you.

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