
I'm 46 and have been single for years. How can I meet someone and fall in love?

I’m a 46-year-old woman and have been single for years. I’m happy being alone, but would love to be in a relationship, but I can’t seem to find anyone. I have tried internet dating and I’m sick of the pub scene, although I’m happy to talk to anyone and I’m told I’m very funny. I’m kind and sensitive and I probably think too much. I would do anything for people I care about. I’m not bad looking, I take care of myself but not to the point of being obsessive. When I was younger, I dated very good-looking men and always fell for the wrong guys. I haven’t given up hope, but I really don’t know if I will ever meet someone and fall in love. I’m tired of being told: “When you stop looking you’ll find someone.” I stopped looking years ago!

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