
If being a mum was a paid job, women would earn £108,837 a year

(Picture: Getty)

Parents spend hours tidying up, cleaning and looking after their kids.

Apparently, if it was a paid role, women in particular would earn £108,837 a year for the work they do.

Internal data from, a platform for childcarers and parents, shows how much mums could charge if it was a paid role, and found that in the UK, mums could earn roughly £12.51 an hour, which, on a 24-hour basis, would equate to £108,937 a year.

The site surveyed its database of parents and childcarers, and calculated an hourly rate based on a mixture of services ‘others provide that childcare professionals charge for, such as cooking, school pick up and drop off, childcare, washing, cleaning, counselling and tutoring.

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The salary is based on a UK average, therefore the amount mums would be paid differs depending on location.

Mums in London would be paid the most at £123,627 a year, because childcare is more expensive, while mums in Stirling and Scotland would be paid the least at £86,485.

Stirling is the cheapest area in the UK across all childcare types at £6.10 an hour – compared to London’s £8.75 an hour.

The salary is much higher than the UK average, which was £29,588 in 2018.

(Picture: Getty)

It’s also higher than some dentists, lawyers, finance managers, nurses, doctors, pilots and product manager roles at Google.

Richard Conway, founder, said: ‘As a parent myself, I have witnessed how hectic being a mum can be, and with Mother’s Day just around the corner we thought it would be nice to see just how much they could be getting paid if they were a childcarer on our site.

‘After we worked it all out, I wasn’t surprised to see such a high salary, as unlike any other role in the world, being a mother is constant, you never get a holiday from it or get to leave your responsibilities at the office.

‘I hope this figure puts into perspective the amazing job mothers do.’

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