
‘I worked for a payday lender but now I’m a comic book artist’

Name: Rees Finlay
Age: 27
Income: £10,000-£15,000
Occupation: Comic book artist and publisher, Coventry

It was an ex-partner who got me into payday lending. I’d spent two years after leaving school on the minimum wage working in a chain-store stockroom. Her parents worked for a lender that called itself a “personal loan company” because it liked to think it bonded with clients by visiting them in their homes. I would have to canvas for custom by leafleting homes in impoverished postcodes. When someone applied for a loan I’d go to their home bringing cash in an envelope and I’d have to knock on doors collecting the repayments. I’d earn commission which meant the more money I forced out of people the more money I would make. I saw families broken and people dying. I felt like a fly on a corpse.

That experience has shaped my view of money and what it does to people. I was earning £800 a week, but realised that capitalism is not worth the damage it does. It also reinforced a lifelong feeling that I was the odd one out. Eventually it broke me. One New Year’s Day I rang the office and told them I was done.

I sold my collection of vintage video games and consoles for £1,000 to self-publish a comic book about my mental health. Art helps me process situations and I found myself drawn to superheroes to escape myself. The sales funded print runs of more comics, culminating in a book about my experiences with the loan company. This earned me £1,672 which gave me the confidence to approach big companies with samples and win commissions from Hollywood film studios illustrating official movie memorabilia. Comics never make much money so I took a £12,000-a-year job in a shop which enabled me to get a mortgage on an £80,000 flat, and I did my drawing in the evenings.

But in 2017 I was hospitalised after a suicide attempt. Everything was breaking down at the same time. A car accident had left me in a leg brace. I left the job due to bullying and lost my partner and friends who could not cope with my self-harming, outbursts and panic attacks. It was only after that that I was diagnosed with autism. It hit me really hard. During the wait for a referral, I was housebound and supported by family and small employment and support allowance payments since I was deemed fit to work.

I discovered that there were no books to help me that weren’t academic or aimed at parents or children so I decided to use comics as a way of reinventing myself. I pitched the result, Reaffirmation: Coming to Terms with an Autism Diagnosis to a publisher but the process was taking too long so I pulled out and crowdfunded it. It raised £4,758 after celebrity support on social media so I invested an extra £242 to print it in hardback.

Comics have given me a voice. They started out as escapism. I was a rebel without a cause and needed something to give me one. My autism has shown me a way to help make the world a better place. I’ve gone from the guy taking money off people to an autism advocate. I still have a lot of phobias about leaving the house. I don’t take holidays or eat out and I struggle to cook for myself. My parents drive me to Aldi at night when it’s emptier and I spend about £30 a week on microwavable food. But I’m hungry to be going out and socialising.

I’ve always wanted to be secure by 30 and I feel I’m on that path, scraping by on savings but with the potential to do something big. I’m a consultant for a proposed new autism training hub for councils and I earn enough to pay my £345 a month mortgage from Amazon royalties and my film work. I’d be worried if I wasn’t scared about the future. Things that have happened in my life have been bigger than me and the minute I start to become casual about what I’m doing is the minute I should question whether I’m doing it right. I want to prevent others from falling between the cracks as I did. Somebody shouldn’t be found half dead on the floor before people take notice.

In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or email or In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international helplines can be found at


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