
I have triplets but one of them was born months before the other two – it sounds confusing but makes perfect sense to us

A MUM has revealed that she has triplets, but one of them was born months before the other two.

Taelyn Macdonald shared details of her family situation via a video posted to her TikTok channel.

Taelyn has Irish triplets


Taelyn has Irish tripletsCredit: Tiktok/@taelynmacdonald
She said her babies are all equally as loved


She said her babies are all equally as lovedCredit: Tiktok/@taelynmacdonald

The mum of five shared that when her son Morrow was just a few months old, she fell pregnant with a set of twins.

Babies that are born less than a year apart are known as Irish twins, meaning that Morrow’s little sisters are technically his triplets.

The term Irish twins was initially used as a derogatory term aimed at Irish-Catholics who emigrated to America.

As Catholics do not believe in contraception, Irish families were often large, with children born close together in age.

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In the video, the 26 year old, who is now pregnant with her sixth child, revealed that mean trolls have criticised her for having children so close together, as they said that Morrow will have had to grow up fast and the attention will have been taken away from Morrow.

However, Taeyln hit back at the trolls, stating: “I hold Morrow more than either of the twins, so if you’re going to worry about someone, I’d worry about them”.

The Irish triplets appear to have a strong bond and Taelyn shared clips of the trio giggling and playing together.

Despite raising three children under one undoubtedly being a difficult task, Taeyln appears to have taken it in her stride.

In another video, the mum shared her morning routine with the children, which includes waking up at 6:45am, changing and excessive amount of nappies and juggling cleaning with childcare.

Taelyn’s video, which was posted under the username @taelynmacdonald, has likely left many open-mouthed, as it has gone viral, racking up 570,000 views on the video sharing platform.

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TikTok users raced to the videos’s comments section to share their thoughts.

One person said: “Oh how I felt this one.

“My son was 11 months when my twins were born and the times I heard this.

“He is just as loved as his sisters are”.

A second person said: “I loved being so close in age to my siblings.

“Built in besties for life!”

A third said: “My little brother is 11 months younger than me and I was still one of the babies”.

A fourth added: “My parents had three kids in two years and we are best friends.

“Don’t listen to the haters, beautiful mama!”

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What help is available to parents for childcare costs?

CHILDCARE can be a costly business. Here is how you can get help.

  • 30 hours of free childcare  – Parents of three and four-year-olds can apply for 30 hours of free childcare a week.
    To qualify you must work at least 16 hours a week at the national living or minimum wage and earn less than £100,000 a year.
  • Tax credits – For children under 20, some families can get help with childcare costs.
  • Tax-free childcare – Available to working families and the self-employed, for every £8 you put in the government will add an extra £2.


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