
I hated being pregnant and I shouldn’t be slammed for saying it was hell

‘I’m actually having a terrible time, pregnancy really sucks.’ I confessed (Picture: Matt Misisco)

Settling into my seat in the warm, dark theatre, I looked forward to a few hours of ‘me time’ at a comedy show.

I was six weeks pregnant and knew moments like this would soon be hard to come by, so I planned on enjoying every moment of solitude.

Of course that meant I immediately bumped into an acquaintance.

She asked me what was new and, as I wasn’t showing yet, I decided to break the proverbial ice with the life-changing news of my pregnancy.

My confession was met with brimming joy. ‘So, are you excited?’ She asked, all starry-eyed. I paused.

At first I didn’t have the heart to explain to her that I had mixed feelings about it. After all, the world clearly dictates that when you decide to stay pregnant you’d better not complain.

However, for some reason at that moment (let’s call it hormones) I decided to dump reality on her.

‘I’m actually having a terrible time, pregnancy really sucks.’ I confessed and her face soon distorted into a mixture of judgement and confusion.

Like I said, this is not supposed to be the thing you say when you tell someone you’re having a baby. You’re supposed to be a medley of cheerful and exuberant, and I was neither of those things.

I know I am fortunate to have had a healthy pregnancy – and that there are women who would kill to be in my shoes, bad experience or not – but I want to share my story so other women in the same boat don’t feel so alone.

I was in the middle of planning a wedding when I popped positive. I was in my little bathroom, confident that my cycle had hit a speed bump when, voila! The stork came-a-knocking.

I hate to admit it, but my first feeling was fear.

Fear about money, fear for my independence, and fear of feeling trapped, bored, and full of inconvenient despair.

Despite my immediate concerns I had to tell my partner. Though, like a true millennial, I texted the pregnancy result to him followed by a frivolously unpoetic ‘lol’.

He had a much more emotional reaction – he was immediately ecstatic and said he wished he was with me now as he got teary-eyed at work.

Six weeks on I was still unsure about how I felt about it all. Throw in morning sickness and it’s no wonder I word-vomited my true feelings to someone who was practically a stranger.

At 12 weeks we went for our first scan, which revealed my due date just happened to be a week after the day we had booked our wedding venue.

Perhaps distracted by this news (and the fact that we may be about to lose a massive deposit), I still didn’t feel a swell of emotion or excitement.

In fact, that didn’t happen until I felt my baby kick for the first time.

No one tells you that you’re basically sick for 3 months straight (Picture: Matt Misisco)

Feeling that short, sharp jabbing was the moment it finally sunk in that my baby was alive in there. From that moment, I began to make my peace with reality and I soon started getting jazzed up about how cute the baby would be.

However, the one thing nobody prepared me for was how completely physically debilitating being pregnant can be.

The first trimester alone was full of suffering. I couldn’t be around the smell of cooking, I threw up on the sidewalk like a drunk teenager and I had to cup my hand and block my partner’s breath from landing on me when he got too close for fear it would erupt my queasy insides.

No one tells you that there’s a possibility you can basically be sick for three months straight.

The worst part though? You’re not showing yet, so nobody is sympathetic to your plight.

No offers of comfortable chairs, or warm emotional support come your way. You’re just supposed to grin and bear it and, oh yeah, go to work – and you’d better perform at your job at the same pace as before, after all, you chose this, so it’s your fault.

As you move through the months you begin to wonder why you feel every ounce of intelligence and wit slipping through your fingers.

That is until you see one particularly informative TikTok and find out that when you’re pregnant your brain can shrink. (Again, nobody told me this!).

Say goodbye to ye olde pastime of figuring out what groceries to buy, and hello to forgetting your old friend’s name mid-speech at her birthday party.

By the end of the pregnancy you feel like there should be a tuba following you around town playing a dumpy tune, and you’re twinning with the medicine ball you’ve been bouncing on.

You can’t bend down to put your shoes on by yourself, and even if you could, you don’t want to go anywhere.

It’s like the world’s worst practical joke (Picture: Matt Misisco)

The only silver lining to being pregnant was that for the first time in my life medical professionals were actually telling me to eat more, not less.

‘Don’t be afraid of carbs.’ My doctor said, but sadly no amount of muffins or cake could make me call the whole experience enjoyable.

I couldn’t even moan about my pregnancy to my friends. My best friend Rebecca kept telling me how much she loved being pregnant. She even seemed jealous of me the whole time.

Each time she said this all I could think was, ‘What is wrong with you?! This is hell.’

If the physical aches, pains and limitations weren’t enough, there’s also all the conflicting advice from every single person who has ever even considered procreating.

Make sure you exercise, but also don’t exercise too hard.

Don’t drink herbal tea, but also, if you’re feeling nauseous, you should really drink herbal tea.

And then there’s the ‘just wait’ brigade. This particular group likes to remind you that pregnancy is just the start.

‘If you think you’re tired now, just wait until the baby comes.’

‘You love your partner now, but just wait, having a newborn will make you want to break up.’

‘You’re going to the movies today? Enjoy it because you’re never going anywhere again once you have a kid.’

Thanks, I really needed to feel like at the end of all of this suffering lies only more suffering.

What makes the whole thing even more laughable is that this same group are the ones constantly plastering their happy family photos all over social media, bragging about how blessed they are.

Finally, in October 2023, we welcomed our bundle of joy via emergency c-section.

While I can’t say I felt a swell of love when they placed him in my arms for the first time, I did feel something. A sort of familiarity. As if I had already known this child my whole life.

That moment alone made it all worth it in the end, as have all the little moments since. Such as when I quietly closed the door to my bedroom where my partner and my baby were sleeping soundly in the exact same pose, like stagnant synchronised swimmers.

Memories like these are the stuff we live for.

However, as lovely and indescribably magical as it is to have a baby, I implore you, the next time someone tells you that they’re pregnant, try to muster a little more heartfelt empathy and a little less inferred exhilaration.

Offer them a seat, ask them how they’re feeling, and of course, never, ever comment on the size of their belly. Just let them unload and unwind. You never know, it might even help the baby.

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