
Heathrow Airport strikes 2019 – when are they and will your holiday be affected?

Heathrow Airport could go into ‘shutdown’ this summer (Picture: PA)

If you’re based in London and planning on jetting away this summer, yesterday’s announcement over Heathrow Airport strikes may have struck fear into your heart.

The Unite union threatened to ‘shut down’ Heathrow, while calling a series of strikes over pay.

So, when are the strikes taking place, why are they striking and more importantly – will your holiday be affected?!

Find out all you need to know here.

When are the Heathrow Airport strikes happening?

The planned strike dates are 26, 27 July, 5, 6, 23 and 24 August.

The July dates are typically the airport’s busiest weekend as they coincide with the beginning of the school holidays.

It is believed the strikes could affect one million people.

Heathrow is the UK’s busiest airport (Picture: Getty Images)

Unite claim the action comes amid deepening anger over pay disparities between workers at the airport and the airport’s senior staff.

They cited the 103.2% pay increase given to the airport’s chief executive officer, John Holland-Kaye.

The union are trying to negotiate an 18-month pay offer amounting to an extra £3.75 for the lowest paid staff.

What airlines will be affected by the airport strikes?

British Airways, which operates most of its fights out of Heathrow, has said operations will continue as normal.

BA has reassured passengers there will be no disruptions (Picture: Getty Images)

However, the results of a pilots’ ballot is due on 22 July which could result in further strikes for BA.

This ballot follows days of talks which eventually broke down between BA and the pilots’ union, Balpa, over pay.

Will any other airports be affected by strikes this summer?

easyJet check-in staff at Stansted also announced a series of strikes every weekend over the main summer holidays, starting from 25 July and then every weekend in August.

A spokesperson for easyJet reassured passengers there are contingency plans in place.

There are also several ballots underway which could lead to strikes from baggage scanners and facility workers at Gatwick Airport.

With Gatwick Airport already shutting down for two hours earlier this week due to ‘air traffic control systems issue’, it looks like it’s going to be an interesting summer!

MORE: Flights from Gatwick resumed after ‘systems issue’ grounded planes for 2 hours

MORE: Heathrow Airport to ‘shutdown’ over summer as 4,000 workers go on strike


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