
Games Inbox: Owning every console, Switch Lite vs. Switch Pro, and Shenmue III season pass

RE: Recent discussion on gaming budgets. I’ve been in the enviable position this gen of being able to buy what I want. That’ll change soon with a likely property purchase.

The result is I own a PC, PS4 Pro, PlayStation VR, PlayStation 3, and Xbox One S. The amount of devices is not the problems, but the amount of games I have sitting on them: over 400.

I concur with a recent letter saying that they had to extract every last drop of entertainment from a game as a child, as they only got a couple a year.

Being spoilt for choice is nice but a bit like children, when you get everything handed to you on a plate it can mean you don’t value each individual thing as much as if you only had a few things. In this case the games themselves.

Going forward I will still want to own all the devices as they home the thing I enjoy: games. But my game buying habits will change. Far fewer bought, finish games before buying again, don’t be lured by sales, etc.

The sales tactics for the gaming industry for a long time involved a lot of hyperbole, still does I guess. That you’ll be missing out on the best thing ever if you didn’t buy the advertised product.

Having now been in the position of not having to miss out on anything I’ve seen you’re not missing out much if you don’t own most of what’s available.

You’re much better of playing, investing your time in and absorbing one Zelda: Breath Of The Wild or Hollow Knight than 20 decent but not quite as memorable games. Quality over quantity.
Simundo Jones


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