
Flights: Never pack this unlikely Christmas item in hand luggage – it could spark trouble

Hand luggage for flights comes with a plethora of restrictions these days as airports ramp up security measures. Consequently, it’s key to be careful when packing cabin luggage in order to avoid any problems. The Christmas season can often see plane passengers travelling with festive items unique to this time of year.

The airport is urging travellers to put Christmas puddings in hold luggage to avoid security problems.

Other items which are popular at the time of year are snow globes – often a much-loved gift for little ones.

However, it’s very likely the liquid in a snow globe will exceed 100ml.

This means it will not be permitted to go through airport security in hand luggage.


Passengers taking snow globes on flights should put them in hold luggage instead.

Christmas crackers are also unique to this time of year and can bring much merriment to festive celebrations.

They may not, however, bring you joy at the airport due to airline rules.

Manchester Airport advised: “If you’re planning to carry Christmas crackers, check with your airline in advance as to whether they will be permitted in hand luggage.

“Some will allow one box per passenger, but most prohibit them.”

Presents are an important part of Christmas and many travellers may choose to take these in their hand luggage to give to their friends or family at their destination.

However, it’s key to make sure they are unwrapped.

“If your bag requires a full search, security personnel may need to unwrap your gifts to check their contacts,” explained Manchester Airport. “Wrap presents once you have reached your destination where possible.”

Lee Wasnidge, Customer Services and Security Director at Manchester Airport, said: “This is one of the most exciting times of the year for both our colleagues and our customers and we look forward to helping more than a million passengers in getting to their dream destinations this Christmas.

“However, safety and security are just as important at this time of year as any other. We see an increase in passengers carrying unusual items, often as gifts for friends and family or as part of Christmas traditions.

“They can unwittingly end up falling foul of hand luggage regulations and the last thing we want to see is gifts being unwrapped or prevented from passing through security and making the journey to their end destination.”

“We encourage all of our passengers to review the advice we are providing to ensure they pass through security smoothly and do not have to leave any presents or other items behind.”


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