
Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes survives on Pringles, grapes and tomatoes

The explorer and trave lwriter  Sir Ranulph Fiennes has revealed he still mucks out his horses early every morning, skips lunch,  and survives the day on crisps and fruit.

The travel writer and adventurer, who turns 80 next month, said: “I’ll go out and do the horse manure barrels.

“There can be six, big heavy barrows of manure to wheel and heap a few hundred yards from our stables where we keep and breed 20 horses.

“Now I’m almost 80 I no longer ride.”

Sir Ranulph started breeding  horses during the first year of his marriage to second wife Louise in 2005 after his late wife Ginny of 34 years passed away.

And the former British Army officer and all round tough guy follows the mantra “lunch is for wimps” 

“I don’t have lunch – just snacks like Pringles, tomatoes and grapes throughout the day.

“I learned to eat less during my expedition to do the first ever totally unsupported crossing of the Antarctic continent, man-hauling 485 pounds of our food, fuel and equipment for 2,500 miles.

“We nearly starved to death.”

But despite still being as tough as old boots into his old age, Britain’s best known explorer, does enjoy a few creature comforts.

“I love hot baths. I got used to being on exhibitions where I wouldn’t be doing any sort of bathing for four months so I would no doubt smell disgusting. 

“At the end of an expedition, a hot bath is like a lovely dream.”

“I go to sleep very  easily. After sleeping so often in freezing cold tents, I love the comfort of being able to wrap myself up in blankets on a good bed with a really soft pillow.” 


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