Emmerdale's Pierce 'to kill Vanessa' as Michelle Hardwick warns of bad blood

Emmerdale rapist Pierce Harris (Jonathan Wrather) made himself known to some villagers tonight after he ended up in Kim Tate’s (Claire King) house and spoke to her son Jamie (Alexander Lincoln).

The twisted lawyer has been stalking Rhona (Zoe Henry) since he returned to the village and killed her boyfriend Graham Foster (Andrew Scarborough), but nobody who knows him has any idea he’s back – yet.

Next week, Emmerdale spoilers revealed that Rhona’s pal Vanessa Woodfield (Michelle Hardwick) will bump into him while she’s playing outside with her son Johnny.

And it looks like she could be in major danger, as she definitely made her feelings towards Pierce clear the last time he was on screens – in fact, she could be his next victim.

Vanessa discovers Pierce is back in the village – but will she be his next target?
Vanessa discovers Pierce is back in the village – but will she be his next target?

Actress Michelle Hardwick said: “I’d certainly never say never – absolutely. Could it be Vanessa? Could it be Paddy that stands in his way?

“Pierce made a few enemies before he got put in prison. I’d say watch your back, everybody!

“The villagers have got no idea that Pierce has resurfaced. Vanessa and Johnny are just having a bit of a kick-about, but the football gets lost.

Michelle Hardwick has warned that Vanessa could be Pierce's next target
Michelle Hardwick has warned that Vanessa could be killed by Pierce

“Vanessa is outside The Woolpack looking for the ball, and she then turns round to see Pierce with Johnny.”

She continued: “Vanessa and Pierce have got history. As soon as he came into the village, Vanessa took an instant dislike to him. She hated the way he was with Rhona and she could see his controlling ways.

“Nobody else could see it in the village, so Vanessa was the one who tried to warn people.”

Pierce has been skulking around the village for a few weeks
Pierce has been skulking around the village for a few weeks

She teased: “So, has Pierce come back for revenge of some sort and is Vanessa going to be in the firing line for this?

“Pierce just runs off with Johnny and Vanessa’s blood runs cold, because she knows what he is capable of. Vanessa then runs after him.”

But what is Pierce’s ultimate goal with Vanessa? And will she find herself dead by his hands?

Emmerdale continues tomorrow night at 7pm on ITV


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