
Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has defied Jeremy Corbyn over backing a second EU referendum

JEREMY Corbyn was publicly defied by his Labour party deputy yesterday over backing a second referendum.

Tom Watson said he would back the PM’s “rubbish deal” in exchange for a second public vote at a rally attended by a million people, it has been claimed.

 Deputy Labour Leader Tom Watson will back PM's deal in exchange for second referendum


Deputy Labour Leader Tom Watson will back PM’s deal in exchange for second referendum

The party’s number two is at odds with his leader who won’t back Theresa May’s deal and is seeking a general election.

Mr Watson said: “I can only vote for a deal if you let the people vote on it too.

“Prime Minister, you’ve lost control of this process, you’re plunging the country into chaos, let the people take control.”

He later tweeted: “The Prime Minister claims she speaks for Britain.

“Well, have a look out of the window, Prime Minister. Open your curtains. Switch on your TV. Look at this great crowd today. Here are the people.

The 2nd referendum march today and the millions of signatures on the revoke A50 petition are significant and important

James Cleverly

“Theresa May: you don’t speak for us. #PutItToThePeople.”

Two Labour backbenchers Peter Kyle and Phil Wilson also want backing for a confirmatory vote on the PM’s deal. MPs are likely to vote on the proposal if Mrs May allows a vote on her deal.

They have received support from shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott. She told the BBC: “I will also vote next week, if that comes up, for a People’s Vote that in the end that in the end may prove to be the only way out of this mess.”

Demonstrators wore blue and yellow berets and flew large EU flags during the march that ended outside Parliament.

A petition for the Prime Minister to revoke the process of leaving the EU smashed through the four million barrier yesterday.

But Tory party deputy chair James Cleverly said: “The 2nd referendum march today and the millions of signatures on the revoke A50 petition are significant and important.

“But neither tells us anything we didn’t already know. Millions of people in the UK don’t want Brexit, millions do. And 80%+ of MPs were elected to deliver it.”

A Labour Party Spokesperson last night said: “A close economic relationship with the EU, a general election or a public vote are the options to break the Brexit deadlock and avoid a damaging Tory Brexit or a no deal outcome.

“We hope everyone taking part in the march had a peaceful and positive day.”

 Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn won't back Theresa May and is seeking a general election

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Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn won’t back Theresa May and is seeking a general election
Brexit march – Thousands of protesters pour into London for People’s Vote march in desperate bid to kill Brexit


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