
Deadbeat dads who dodge child maintenance payments could lose their home & driving licence in government crackdown

DEADBEAT dads who dodge child maintenance payments could lose their home and driving licence in a new blitz.

The wasters could also be stripped of their passport and have the bailiffs visit under the crackdown.

Dads who dodge child maintenance payments could lose their home and driving licence in a new blitz


Dads who dodge child maintenance payments could lose their home and driving licence in a new blitzCredit: Getty
Mel Stride told The Sun on Sunday parents need to 'take responsibility' for their children


Mel Stride told The Sun on Sunday parents need to ‘take responsibility’ for their childrenCredit: Alamy

Enforcement action, only now possible through the courts, will be speeded up under new laws so children get the money in weeks rather than months.

Ministers will also scrap the £20 Child Maintenance Service fee so everyone can apply to get the cash they are owed.

Around 10,000 parents a year who refuse to pay maintenance could be affected.

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride told The Sun on Sunday parents need to “take responsibility” for their children.

He said: “It’s a sentiment that shouldn’t need saying and, of course, the vast majority of parents do strive each and every day to give their children the best possible start in life.

“Sadly, however, some fail to step up to the mark and refuse to provide the support hundreds of thousands of children rely upon. It makes a big difference.”

He added: “That’s why I’m speeding up our powers to take enforcement action, so those who repeatedly shirk financial responsibility are quickly made to pay or face strict sanctions.

“I’m making sure the Child Maintenance Service can fast-track enforcement action from six months to six weeks so children get the support they need as soon as possible.

“This plan will make the system fairer for parents — but most of all for children.”

Big changes planned for child maintenance service – what it means for parents


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