
Darksiders Genesis: Release date, Gameplay, Review, Trailer, PS4, Switch & everything else you need to know

Darksiders Genesis is the fourth instalment to a series that spanned the best part of a decade.

The developers have shed the series’ open-world action roots in favour of a more fast-paced 3D action-platformer, comparable to the likes of Diablo and Torchlight.

Genesis can quite easily be compared to other action games, but this instalment does enough to set itself apart. 

If you’re here for everything to do with Darksiders Genesis, you’ve come to the right place.

Continue reading for all the information we have.

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Release date

In case the name didn’t give it away, Darksiders Genesis is a prequel. 

Darksiders release date
CO-OP: You’ll be able to play as either War or Strife in the latest Darksiders game

In true prequel fashion, it’s a heavy nostalgia hit for fans of the first three games, bringing characters back in younger forms and in different contexts. 

Genesis was released for Stadia and Microsoft Windows on 5 December 2019 and will be released on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on 14 February 2020.

What better way to spend Valentines Day than in your own company, hacking and slashing through demonic enemies.


Genesis is a Diablo-styled third-person action game. 

darksiders gameplay shot
PURGATORY: Journey through an apocalyptic landscape, completing challenges and solving puzzles as you go

Darksiders’ original hero, War, teams up with the previously unplayable fourth horseman, Strife, on a quest to maintain the balance for the charred council.

In single-player, the player alternates between control of ‘War’ and ‘Strife’ on their journey, while co-op mode allows two players control over either of the horsemen. 

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War is a close-quarters beast who receives and deals high damage with the use of his ‘Chaos Eater’.

War is also equipped with a Crossblade called the ‘Vorpal Blade’, which allows him to perform ranged attacks.

The game currency is souls which can be earned by killing enemies, and the campaign is expected to take around 15 hours to complete. 


Darksiders has always had multiple sources of inspiration and influence that it has borrowed from.

darksiders abilities weapons review
AUTHENTIC: Genesis allegedly feels like a more authentic Darksiders experience than any of the previous entries

The first game borrowed heavily from Nintendo’s Zelda series, while the second featured a wall-running mechanic that shared a likeness to the 2008 reboot of the Prince of Persia.

Genesis, however, seems to draw influence from the Darksiders series.

What this means is that Genesis immediately and consistently feels like Darksiders; there are returning characters, weapons and abilities from the core games that have been thoughtfully integrated.

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The addition of Strife as a playable character is the cherry on the cake, as long-term fans of the series have flocked towards the fourth horseman that they never got to play with.

The fun (but slightly repetitive) hack-and-slash game is unique and enjoyable to play through, despite the idea behind it being rather similar to that of previous editions.

It was given a 3.5/5 rating from Gamesradar and a 9/10 on Steam.

PS4, Switch & Xbox One

The game has had a confirmed release date for quite a while now, but console players have had to wait a lot longer than those on PC and Stadia.

darksiders genesis death
SPOILED FOR CHOICE: Console gamers will be delighted to hear that the game drops on PS4, Xbox One and Switch in February

The Airship Syndicate game hit PC and Google Stadia a couple of months ago in early December, but the console version isn’t out until 14 February 2020.

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This means that the PS4, Xbox One and Switch gamers amongst you will have to pick between Genesis and the Sonic the Hedgehog movie on Valentine’s day – but that’s a no brainer.


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