
Dad sparks outrage after saying his ‘biggest life regret’ his having his son – and his wife AGREES

A DAD who admitted that he and his wife “regretted” having their son has been slammed on Twitter by outraged parents.

Responding to a tweet that asked parents what they’d learnt after having children, Sam McRoberts, an author from Seattle, USA, wrote a brutally honest response.

 Sam McRoberts said in a now deleted tweet he 'regretted' having his son


Sam McRoberts said in a now deleted tweet he ‘regretted’ having his son

Prompted to look back on his life before having children, Sam said in the now-deleted tweet: “My wife and I originally wanted 3 kids, had 1 and decided after a few years that 1 was plenty.
“Though I love my son, I now: A. know myself well enough, and B. know the challenges of parenting well enough, to say that having a kid is probably my biggest life regret.

“Wife concurs.”

But horrified social media were quick to step in and criticise the blue-ticked businessman for his “twisted” attitude.

 The American author received backlash from hundreds of parents


The American author received backlash from hundreds of parents
 One man responded that he must not 'love' his son for putting his thoughts out on Twitter


One man responded that he must not ‘love’ his son for putting his thoughts out on Twitter

“Why would you put something on a public platform that your child could one day read?” one dad replied.

“You don’t have to love being a parent but you also don’t have to inflict that kind of pain.”

Another added: “This was sickening to read. I can’t imagine anything more painful than one of my students saying their parent regrets having them.

“If he doesn’t want his kid, I know people who would.”

“I feel so bad for this man’s son,” a third concurred. “I have 3 kids and I was told 2 months ago I have 5 years to live – every day is precious with my kids and this upset me.”

But Robert reportedly clapped back in further tweets he later removed, telling parents that “nobody prepares you” for the difficulties that come with raising children.

 'This was sickening to read' wrote a teacher who admitted he and his wife are looking to adopt


‘This was sickening to read’ wrote a teacher who admitted he and his wife are looking to adopt
 Another commenter worried over the child's mental wellbeing


Another commenter worried over the child’s mental wellbeing

“I love my kid and he knows he’s loved,” Mr McRoberts responded. “I spend hours with him every day playing, going to parks, watching shows… but all things considered, childless would be simpler.”

But hundreds of Twitter-users were not convinced and slammed the man further.

“If you can post his publicly and give your son a likelihood of hearing you regret his existence, then you don’t actually love your son,” one said.

“This is really sad an twisted,” claimed another. “Even if you feel this way, you shouldn’t broadcast this on the internet where it will forever be and your son can see it. It’s irresponsible and selfish.”

 Parents called Sam McRoberts' actions 'sad and utterly selfish'


Parents called Sam McRoberts’ actions ‘sad and utterly selfish’

One added: “His kid will always have in the back of his mind that his dad regrets having a child and I can’t imagine how that would feel.”

And another user agreed: “I didn’t care for kids before I had mine, but as a dad of one, I can unequivocally say he’s my entire life and I could not imagine things without him.”

To make matters worse, the author went on to admit his son is ‘fully aware’ of his feelings of regret, but that he ‘understands’.

He apparently told his regretful father: “I know you love me, but having a kid is a lot of work.”

In the wake of the fury, others stepped in to defend Mr McRoberts, who himself challenged others that feel the same as him to speak out and prevent the subject from becoming taboo.

 The author tried to defend his actions by saying his son was 'aware' of how he felt


The author tried to defend his actions by saying his son was ‘aware’ of how he felt

“It’s a completely acceptable truth,” said one person. “If more parents spoke out about their regrets, people on the fence would chose wisely so not to have kids they also ended up regretting.”

“This guy is getting torn to shreds but I bet a lot of parents feel the same in they were being honest,” concluded another. “How dare that man express his true feelings?”

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