
Cuffed this Christmas? Here are the biggest festive icks to avoid

It may be cuffing season, but that won’t save you from getting cut (Picture: Getty Images)

With Winter Wonderland dates, kissing in the snow, and cuddling by the fire, this is undoubtedly one of the most romantic seasons, clichés and all. 

In fact, 66% of people prefer to be in a relationship in winter, with only 13% preferring singledom. It is cuffing season, after all. 

Despite all this, winter isn’t devoid of potential turn offs. In fact, Christmastime in particular is brimming with possibilities for your significant other to get the dreaded ick.

And as we all know, once the ick has struck, it’s difficult to get back on track.

So, what festive icks need to be avoided?

A survey by Thortful found that a partner getting too drunk at a Christmas gathering is the number one festive ick, with 38% of survey respondents choosing this as the ultimate festive turnoff.

Top 10 Christmas icks revealed

  1. Getting too drunk at the family gathering (38%)
  2. If they don’t get on with your family (34%)
  3. Putting the Christmas tree up too early (18%)
  4. Talking politics at the Christmas dinner table (12%)
  5. Being hungover on Christmas Day (11%)
  6. Hating Christmas/being a Grinch (10%)
  7. Not putting gravy on their Christmas dinner (10%)
  8. Arguing with your family over a board game (9%)
  9. Having a beige Christmas dinner (no vegetables) (8%)
  10. Leaving their Christmas decorations up in January (7%)

This was followed in second place by partners not getting on with the family (34%) and putting the tree up too early (18%).

If you want to keep your beau sweet this Christmas, you will also want to avoid talking politics at the dinner table, being hungover on Christmas Day and letting your Grinchy side show – don’t bah humbug your way to being dumped.

Other festive icks included not putting gravy on their Christmas dinner (who would even do that?), eating a beige Christmas dinner with no veggies (eat your greens, guys), arguing with family over board games (no one likes a sore loser) and leaving the decorations up too long (accept when Christmas is over). 

How to navigate meeting the future in-laws this Christmas

According to relationship consultant Mairead Molloy, try talking to your partner about their family dynamic and anything you should be aware of ahead of time. 

‘Your partner might try to hide whatever stress they may be feeling about having you around their family, especially for the first time,’ she said. 

Beyond that, she suggested generally putting your best food forward: ‘Prepare yourself for small talk, offer to help in the kitchen, dress properly, and bring a gift as a small gesture. 

‘Respect their way of doing things even though you may not agree with it – sometimes it’s best to say nothing.

‘Also, put your phone away and relax. 

‘It can also help to chat to as many people as you can to find someone you click with, as this can help build relationships.’

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