
‘Corbyn is Putin’s puppet’ Boris launches scathing attack on ‘disaster’ Labour leader

Speaking ahead of this week’s Nato ­summit in London and Hertfordshire, the Prime Minister warned that if Corbyn replaces him on December 12, then Britain will be excluded from the crucial Five Eyes intelligence sharing partnership. The Five Eyes – comprising the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand – has been a vital part of British security and helped to prevent a number of ­terrorist attacks. Mr Johnson also made it clear that he will reject any push for a European Union single military force and not allow Britain to be part of it, as had been planned by his predecessor Theresa May.

He added that he intends to push for Nato member states to increase their funding up to at least the agreed ­minimum of two per cent of GDP. 

It comes after Donald Trump announced that he would cut US contributions because other countries are not paying their share. 

But the PM’s biggest concern was the dire prospect of a Corbyn premiership later this month. 

Mr Johnson branded Corbyn “Putin’s puppet” and said that the Labour leader would effectively be the Kremlin’s man in Downing Street. 

He said: “This is a guy who has taken money from Russia Today, the state-­sponsored broadcaster, to appear on it. Who unquestioningly took the Kremlin line over Kosovo, Serbia, Ukraine and Crimea. Unbelievable. 

“We would be having Putin’s puppet in Number 10 – I have got no doubt about that. 

“He just doesn’t see things in the way that people who believe in the western alliance do.” 

He warned that “the threat to Nato at the moment is absolutely existential from Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party. 

“Corbyn’s Labour is unlike anything most of our Nato partners have seen before.” 

He said: “Our Five Eyes security partners are making it clear that they would have to withdraw co-operation in important respects if Corbyn were to become prime minister.” 

He highlighted the chemical weapons attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury by Vladimir Putin’s security forces in 2018 as evidence that Mr Corbyn is a Russian puppet. 

“He stood up in the Commons and – I remember being amazed – he just ­parroted the Kremlin line. 

“He simply said, had we conducted the tests? It was absolutely amazing. He refused to join the UK Government in its determination to stand up to Russian aggression and the use of chemical weapons on our soil for the first time ever.”


Mr Johnson added: “This is a guy who still denies the recapture of the Falklands was the right thing to do, a guy who says that the massacres in Kosovo never took place, someone who has said he would not only get rid of Trident but would ­disband our Armed Forces. When you consider Britain is the second biggest player in Nato, the second biggest contributor, you can see how utterly disastrous that would be.” 

Mr Johnson also said that the long term attempts to create an EU army were a mistake which would undermine Nato. 

He pointed out that one of the significant improvements in his Brexit deal compared to Mrs May’s was that he cancelled the defence commitments she had made, which could have dragged the UK into a new, unified European force. 

He said: “My scepticism about it is that all it does is undermine Nato as the ­principal organisation used for our collective security. We need to be out of that [EU defence force]. 

“We need to be supportive of our friends in the EU. We need to do things together, whether it is on migration or tackling piracy or operations in the Med. We can support with intelligence sharing. 

“But you can do it on an intergovernmental basis. There is no need for us to be part of some federal plan.” 

He insisted that this week’s Nato summit provides “a great opportunity to strengthen the alliance” and confirmed that he will be meeting Mr Trump. 

The event starts at Buckingham Palace to mark the 70th anniversary of Nato and then moves for talks to the Grove Hotel in Watford. Mr Johnson noted: “I think one of the things we will be considering as an alliance will be how to develop our ability to react rapidly as an alliance to have a rapid response force in ways in which we can work together more coherently.” 

However, he said that Nato member states needed to meet their financial commitments to the organisation. 

“What we will be doing is making the case to all the countries which currently aren’t spending two percent of GDP on defence to do so. We think that is the right thing to do. 

“Yes, we have been going through a long period of peace but you can’t take that for granted. If you wish for peace, prepare for war. Si vis pacem, para bellum. 

“We will have peace – we will have a long, long period of peace – but we will do it by being strong, by being together, united and working with our friends.” 


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