
Catfish First: Kaden Actually Met Adriana In Person — And Then She Got Shady

File this one under “unusual”: On tonight’s Catfish, a young man contacted Nev and guest host Kamie Crawford about a girl he’d already met — and who got shady after he fell for her.

Kaden, a 19-year-old from Salt Lake City, had gotten a case of the feels for Hawaii resident Adriana back in 2015 but, alas, they’d met on a cruise, and when the ship docked, they were forced to stay in contact via just Facetime and Instagram.

But something seemed off with Adriana: Just a few months before, Kaden said, she’d changed phone numbers and moved their relationship to strictly Snapchat and some texting, suddenly nixing FaceTime completely. Meanwhile, the uniqueness of the entire situation wasn’t lost on Nev.

“This is a Catfish first,” he said. “We have a couple who met in person, had a real-life love connection, but then were separated.”

Kamie’s reaction? “I hope we get to go to f*cking Hawaii.”

And they did — but first, there was a pitstop in Salt Lake City, where they discovered a huge clue in the Adriana mystery: At one point in her texts with Kaden, she’d sent him a picture of a friend — a girl named Alysha — and asked, “Do you think she’s cute?”

For his part, Nev got suspicious.

“Is it possible that [Alysha] assumed Adriana’s identity?” he asked Kaden. “That’s such a catfish move — sending a picture of yourself to see if the person you’re catfishing would find the real you attractive.”

So is that what happened? Depends on who you ask. When Kamie, Kaden and Nev arrived in the Aloha State, both Adriana and Alysha had differing stories. But eventually, Adriana admitted that she’d sent Alysha’s picture to Kaden to hint that she just wasn’t that into him, then said she “never reciprocated” Kaden’s flirtations. But her demeanor was uber-cold, and Nev called her out for her lack of empathy.

“I guess the thing that bothers me the most is that you don’t seem to care,” he said. He later referred to her as a word that rhymes with “witch,” while Kamie noted, “She is not nice. What’s the attraction?” just before further wondering if dear Kaden was a “f*cking masochist.”

Turns out, he wasn’t. After a quick chat with Adriana, the duo parted ways and, two months later, Kaden reported that he’d never spoken to her again.

*Cue applause*

But what do you think of this week’s first-of-its-kind Catfish case? Was Adriana just a you-know-what like Nev said, or did Kaden overestimate their relationship? Tell us your thoughts, then catch another episode Wednesday at 8/7c.


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